RFR 8068887 : java.lang.Throwable could use Collections.emptyList for suppressedException

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Mon Oct 12 16:22:45 UTC 2015

On 2015-10-12 17:56, Alan Bateman wrote:
> This looks okay (just missing the a space in =Collections) but I'm 
> curious if it does actual reduce the number of classes loaded at 
> startup. I would think ArrayList and unmodifiable list would be popular.

I filed this RFE, so this looks okay to me as well. :-)

I recall verifying that this drops a few tiny 
Collections.unmodifiableXX-related classes from various small 
applications. Also at least 2 fewer Objects on the heap.

> (Your patch makes me wonder if Collections.unmodifiableXXX should 
> return emptyXXX when the collection is empty).

There's that small chance that someone is synchronizing on their 
(possibly empty) unmodifiableXXX collections, and this might not help 
anyone enough to justify even the most far-fetched compatibility risk.


> -Alan 

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