RFR (JAXP) : 8081248: Implement JEP 268: XML Catalog API

Lance Andersen lance.andersen at oracle.com
Thu Oct 29 18:06:45 UTC 2015

Hi Joe,

The current spediff, webrev seems OK to me.  Thank you for your diligence on this

On Oct 15, 2015, at 3:52 AM, huizhe wang <huizhe.wang at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please help review JEP 268 implementation:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8081248
> Catalog specification:
> https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/14809/xml-catalogs.html
> webrevs:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk9/8081248/webrev/
> A Catalog is basically an ordered list of entries that map external references to local resources using string identifiers called systemId/publicId. The main function of the Catalog API therefore is 1) parse a catalog; 2) use it to find a matching entry and resolve the resource referenced in an XML document.
> For common use cases, an application would simply acquire a CatalogResolver and set it on a parser to be used for resource resolution, refer to the test for an example.
> The unit test contains test cases for the simple entries. Since SQE test development has been in parallel with the dev work, this unit test didn't have to cover all of the functions. What it does is to test and demonstrate the use in a real environment, using a CatalogResolver to actually resolves resources in XML documents, while the SQE tests focus on having a full coverage by matching literal strings without involving XML documents.  The SQE test suite has gone through internal reviews and will start public review following this review.
> Thanks,
> Joe

Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803
Lance.Andersen at oracle.com

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