JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8149896: Remove unnecessary values in FloatConsts and DoubleConsts

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Feb 16 06:23:19 UTC 2016


The the FloatConsts and DoubleConsts classes, while moved to an internal 
package recently (JDK-8145990), contain constants now available via the 
public API. All such uses of the redundant values should be removed as 
well as the redundant constants themselves.

A quick note on the 2d changes, several constants (and a copy from a 
package-private method from java.lang) were used to initialize a double 
value POWER_2_TO_32; this can be accomplished more directly using a 
hexadecimal floating-point literal.

Please review the webrev




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