RFR: jsr166 jdk9 integration wave 12

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Wed Oct 19 19:19:18 UTC 2016

On 10/18/16 11:00 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> There's already a certain amount of mixing, e.g. stream tests sometimes test
> j.u.c. and Queue tests sometimes test all the Queue implementations. Unlike
> non-test code, some redundancy and divergence of testing frameworks and styles
> is fine.  I still haven't found a way of writing shared tests for
> implementations of an interface that I really like.

It's probably the case that divergence of testing frameworks is unavoidable, or 
at least it's impractical. I doubt that it's worthwhile to rewrite all the 
straight jtreg tests into TestNG, or JUnit, or whatever. But I'd draw the line 
before saying this is "fine." [1]

Maintaining the tests' organization is pretty important. Most of the collections 
tests are in jdk/test/java/util though they're spread around a bit uncomfortably 
even here. But now it's, oh, ArrayDeque and ArrayList.removeIf tests are over 
*here* instead. Having things spread around increases the likelihood of cases 
being missed or being tested redundantly.

The test groups have to be maintained as well. I know I've been bitten by 
problems (not in collections) where I *thought* I had run the right set of 
tests, but it ended up that I hadn't, resulting in me breaking the build. As it 
turns out, jdk_collections_core doesn't include any ArrayDeque tests. Hmmm. 
Well, maybe jdk_collections_core isn't useful. It would have been nice to know 
this when I added it last year. :-/ [2]

As things stand, I'm basically OK with this changeset going in. But it does seem 
to highlight some areas that need some future cleanup, particularly in the tests 
and the test group declarations.


[1] http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/this-is-fine

[2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/jdk/rev/7a0c06013ae6

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