JDK 9 RFR(s): 8177789 fix collections framework links to point to java.util package doc

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Fri Apr 14 22:36:40 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Please review this changeset that fixes up links around the JDK that point to 
the old Collections technotes/guides area. This changeset points them to the 
java.util package summary instead.

Most of the changes here simply adjust a link location. The file that's 
different is java/util/package-info.java, which adds the anchor to which all the 
other links point.


This changeset includes a bunch of changes to java.util.concurrent classes, as 
well as to files like ArrayDeque which straddle the border between the JDK and 
the JSR166 repo. How did you want to handle these changes? I could just push 
this and you could merge upstream, or I could slice off the diffs from selected 
files and have you put them into JSR166 and then merge into the JDK. In any 
case, the changes are all one-liners, so I don't expect any conflicts. Let me know.





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