RFR: 8179367: update use of align, valign attributes in java.base to use style attribute

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed Apr 26 22:54:58 UTC 2017

The patch looks okay to me.

> On Apr 26, 2017, at 3:31 PM, Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com> wrote:
> Please review the following conceptually simple fix to change use of the align and valign attributes in table-related tags to inline style attributes in the public doc comments for the contents of java.base module.
> This is for compatibility with HTML 5.
> The change was done mechanically with the following sed script, which was applied to the set of files reported by "javadoc -html5" as containing  the use of the align and valign attribute.
> s/ align="*left"*/ style="text-align:left"/
> s/ align="*center"*/ style="text-align:center"/
> s/ ALIGN="*CENTER"*/ style="text-align:center"/
> s/ align="*right"*/ style="text-align:right"/
> s/ valign="*top"*/ style="vertical-align:top"/
> s/ valign="*bottom"*/ style="vertical-align:bottom"/
> s/ style="\([^"]*\)" style="\([^"]*\)"/ style="\1; \2"/
> The first six lines change the variants of align and valign into the corresponding style attributes. And, because there were some instances where a tag had both align and valign, the final line of the script merges two instances of the style attribute into a single instance.
> This covers files in the following packages:
> java.base java/io
> java.base java/lang
> java.base java/lang/reflect
> java.base java/math
> java.base java/nio/charset
> java.base java/text
> java.base java/time/chrono
> java.base java/time/format
> java.base java/util
> java.base java/util/concurrent
> java.base java/util/regex
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8179367
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8179367/webrev/
> -- Jon

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