RFR: 8176508 Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version

Roman Grigoriadi roman.grigoriadi at oracle.com
Wed May 3 16:49:09 UTC 2017


you can find new web rev here:
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/jaxws-integrations/8176508/01/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/jaxws-integrations/8176508/01/>

Previous review comments are addressed. 

> The change to version.properties reminds me to ask if there is anything in the jaxws repo to indicate the version of the JAX-* components? It's often difficult to determine what bits are in the JDK vs. the upstream project.

Version as in our Maven project is 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT for JAX-WS at the time we are syncing. Subcomponents (SAAJ, JAXB mainly) are promoted, for example 
in jdk/jaxws/src/jdk.xml.bind/share/classes/com/sun/tools/internal/xjc/MessageBundle.properties
There is:
# for JDK integration - include version in source zip

We can add another version.properties file with versions of all JAX-* components. We may also change version from 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT to something unique like 2.3.0-bXXXXXX.XXXX before sync and put it to maven promoted repo.


> On 12 Mar 2017, at 16:14, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 12/03/2017 14:39, Roman Grigoriadi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review standalone JAXB/JAXWS changes, synced to jdk/jaxws repo.
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8176508
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/jaxws-integrations/8176508/00/
> I skimmed the changes and have a few comments (I'm sure Lance or someone else will do a more detailed review).
> In JAXBContext then "must be open to the java.xml.bind module" should be "must be open to at least the java.xml.bind module" so as to cover the case that the package is opened unconditionally or to java.xml.bind and other modules. In addition, include "at least" makes it consistent with other wording that we have agreed for other areas.
> In MailcapCommandMap then the following doesn't seem right for the class description:
>  59  * (Where <i>java.home</i> is the value of the "java.home" System property
>  60  * and <i>conf</i> is the directory named "conf" if it exists,
>  61  * otherwise the directory named "lib"; the "conf" directory was
>  62  * introduced in JDK 1.9.)
> It might be simpler to just have javadoc specify that it attepts to locate the `mailcap` file in the Java run-time image and then add an @implNote with the details as to where it looks for specific runtime releases.
> I see the new source file ModuleUtil is using java.util.StringTokenizer. It's use in new code has been discouraged for many years and maybe this could start out using String.split rather than the legacy class.
> The change to version.properties reminds me to ask if there is anything in the jaxws repo to indicate the version of the JAX-* components? It's often difficult to determine what bits are in the JDK vs. the upstream project.
> -Alan

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