RFR: 8213478: Reduce rebinds when applying repeated filters and conversions

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Sat Nov 10 00:02:10 UTC 2018

Nice work, Claes! Looks good.

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 07/11/2018 06:57, Claes Redestad wrote:
> Hi,
> by providing a LambdaFormEditor transform which applies the same filter 
> repeatedly on some selected arguments, we can optimize for cases where 
> there are repeated conversions. This allows the runtime to optimize the 
> internal setup of public API methods such as 
> MethodHandles.filterArguments(MethodHandle, int, MethodHandle...) and 
> MethodHandle.asType(MethodType)
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8213478/jdk.00/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213478
> Example: mh.asType(mt1) where the mh.type is (JJJJ)I and mt1 is (IIII)I 
> would need to add I->J widening conversions to each argument. Each 
> application of such a conversion C creates a new BMH with a new species, 
> first (JIII)I, with C bound in as a 5th (or 6th, counting the MH) 
> argument, then from that we create (JJII)I with C bound in again as the 
> 6th argument.. and so on.
> With the optimization in place we can go from (IIII)I to (JJJJ)I in one 
> step: bind in C as the 5th argument, apply expressions to the LF to call 
> it on each parameter in order. In this example we then end up with only 
> one additional BMH species rather than four.
> In synthetic examples invoking methods with maximal number of arguments 
> where all arguments need the same filter to be applied, the number of 
> intermediary species and LF classes generated can be reduced from up to 
> ~290 to 6 (98% reduction)[1], while in less contrived examples the 
> reduction is more modest, down to no difference in number of shapes 
> generated in completely randomized tests. Repeated filters and 
> conversions are common in practice, for example in the ISC 
> implementation, where this patch modestly reduce the number of shapes 
> and LFs generated in a range of tests - from substantial reductions down 
> to around 2% for mostly random argument sequences[2]. Without a formal 
> proof I posit that the upper bound of generated species and LFs is the 
> same with both implementations, just that this reduces the need to 
> generate certain intermediaries.
> The proposed patch could surely be micro-optimized, e.g., there are 
> cases where I'm copying arrays and creating TreeMaps around. I do this 
> to simplify insertion of arguments into the right place and ensure 
> execution happens in the expected order etc. Some of that could perhaps 
> be specialized, but these overheads are tiny compared to the class 
> generation overheads we're avoiding.
> Thanks!
> /Claes
> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8213478/BadInvoke.java
> Before:
> time java -Xlog:class+load BadInvoke | wc -l
> 819
> real    0m0.753s
> user    0m4.120s
> sys    0m0.164s
> After:
> time java -Xlog:class+load BadInvoke | wc -l
> 540
> real    0m0.267s
> user    0m0.580s
> sys    0m0.044s
> [2] Generated ISC stress tests such as: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8213478/MixedStringCombinations.java - 
> which loads and creates 37936 classes before, 37114 after, or -2.2%

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