Extending Java Arrays/Collection Sort API

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Nov 28 21:30:44 UTC 2018

The way we like to approach this is: first explore whether the problem 
is one we should solve (that's this discussion, it's going well), then 
design discussions (you probably have one in your back pocket already), 
then implementation/testing/review, and then we can think about which 
version to target.

It seems like we've reached consensus that we've got a gap we'd like to 
fill.  So, next step is to explore API variants, and work together to 
identify which are likely to be best for the widest variety of users and 
use cases.

On 11/28/2018 3:15 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> If I may insist a bit on the 2 arrays variant, Marlin needs the x 
> array sorted for future traversal...
> I do not know what is faster: sorting 2 arrays (indices swapped 
> according to x array order: 2x times swaps) or using a comparator 
> (lookups to compare (x[i], x[j] ) + x array reconstruction).
> Finally how can we manage such improvement in 13? CSR / RFE ?
> John or Brian, could you lead that specification request (CSR) and 
> formal process ?
>  I can propose implementations on my side, I already have a working 
> DPQS 18.11 with 2 arrays on Marlin's github.

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