RFR: JDK-8219144 : Cannot find installed application on Mac

Alexander Matveev alexander.matveev at oracle.com
Wed Feb 27 03:10:26 UTC 2019

Please review the jpackage fix for bug [1] at [2].

This is a fix for the JDK-8200758-branch branch of the open sandbox 
repository (jpackage).

By default pkgbuild generates package with BundleIsRelocatable set to 
true, which means if an application already exist on system (installed, 
generated on given system or just copied from somewhere else), installer 
will not install into default location (/Application), but instead will 
update the existing version in place. This is why installed application 
was not found in default location, since it was already exist on system. 
Fixed by generating package with BundleIsRelocatable set to false. Note: 
We used --component option for pkgbuild and in this case pkgbuild was 
considered app as single component. With --root (required when using 
component property list), pkgbuild was considered Java runtime as child 
component of application. This is why child sub-component is removed 
from cpl. Java runtime is still part of app and will be installed.

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8219144

[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~almatvee/8219144/webrev.00/


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