Math.exp() yields different results on 32 bit systems

Andreas Ahlenstorf andreas at
Tue Sep 22 10:30:42 UTC 2020


According to a bug report at AdoptOpenJDK [1] Math.exp(10_000.0) yields different results on 32 bit systems than on 64 bit systems.

public class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

On 64 bit systems the code above prints Infinity. On 32 bit systems the result is 0.0. I think that's wrong, but I'm far from an expert in floating point arithmetics.

Affected versions:

* OpenJDK 9.0.1
* OpenJDK 11.0.8
* OpenJDK 15

Not affected:

* OpenJDK 8u265

We tested both with AdoptOpenJDK and Azul Zulu on Windows and Linux on x86 and x64. If we disable intrinsics (-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-UseLibmIntrinsic), Infinity is printed on x86 systems, too.

Is this expected behavior?



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