jpackage OS/X JDK-8263157 fix regressed out

Alan Snyder javalists at
Thu Jul 22 18:42:53 UTC 2021

Why is a directory named “app” used for dynamic libraries instead of the conventional directory “Frameworks”?


> On Jul 22, 2021, at 11:04 AM, Michael Hall <mik3hall at> wrote:
>> On Jul 22, 2021, at 12:29 PM, Alexey Semenyuk <alexey.semenyuk at> wrote:
>> The fix for JDK-8263157 cleared the default value of `java.library.path` system property and resulted in JDK-8267598 regression. So the fix for JDK-8263157 was reworked: jpackage doesn't set `java.library.path` system property, but it adds `app` directory to `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` env variable on OSX. OSX JVM startup code builds the value of `java.library.path` system property from the value of `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` env variable. This way jpackage doesn't interfere with the default JVM initialization code and also adds `app`  directory to `java.library.path` system property.
>> As far as I can see it from the log, the value of `java.library.path` contains `app` dir - `/Users/mjh/HalfPipe/HalfPipe_jpkg/outputdir/`. So it works as expected.
>> Are you sure the native library is in place?
>> - Alexey
> I missed that it was there somehow, but…
> ls outputdir/ | grep dylib
> libAppleScriptEngine.dylib
> libBSF4ooRexx.dylib
> libfscript.dylib
> libhp.dylib
> libmacattrs.dylib
> Also overriding 
> -Djava.library.path=$APPDIR
> worked. So I didn’t look too closely. 
> So what am I still missing?
> ;/Users/mjh/HalfPipe/HalfPipe_jpkg/outputdir/
> Inconsistent path separators?

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