jpackage GraalVM on Windows 10

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Thu May 20 23:45:43 UTC 2021

Has anyone done this who can indicate how it should be done?

I recently set this up for my app on OS/X and thought I’d have cross platform versions.
I have tried it both with —runtime-image and making Graal the installed JVM.

Both ways I seem to get an application with directory structure

—— graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0

It appears it should not have the Graal dir in there. I removed it and the application runs. Otherwise no.
Again it seems to do this even if I let it default to the installed Graal jdk - not —runtime-image.

If no one else has run into this and figured something out or just knows how to do it correctly I can just do a bug report.

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