RFR: JDK-8267936: PreserveAllAnnotations option doesn't expose the annotation to Java code

Alan Bateman alanb at openjdk.java.net
Sun May 30 07:34:30 UTC 2021

On Fri, 28 May 2021 12:56:39 GMT, Jaroslav Tulach <github.com+26887752+JaroslavTulach at openjdk.org> wrote:

> This PR exposes runtime invisible annotations via `Class.getAnnotation` when `-XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations` option is passed to the JVM.
> Existing `-XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations` option can be very useful for code that needs to access annotations with `RetentionPolicy.CLASS` without the need to parse the .class files manually. While the RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations are kept in the runtime, they are not visible via java.lang.reflect API. I assume that's just an omission.
> This PR provides a new test and a fix to make `Class.getAnnotation(...)` useful when `-XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations` option is on.

JVMS 4.7.17 does allow for an implementation specific means to make available these annotations at run-time. I think we need to look into the history of `-XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations` to know if it was introduced for testing the VM code or for making available these otherwise invisible annotations at run-time as you propose. I'm also wondering how it might be used, is it to avoid tools needing to parse class files? is it because someone has missed RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME somewhere?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4245

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