Constant methods in Java

Raffaello Giulietti raffaello.giulietti at
Wed Feb 2 20:08:38 UTC 2022


I don't get why the author of myMethod() would/should be interested in 
forcing the caller of the method to declare the variable b to be final.
Stated otherwise, what is the problem addressed by this suggestion?
Have you some specific case in mind?


On 2022-02-02 20:27, Alberto Otero Rodríguez wrote:
> I have a suggestion. I think it would be interesting creating constant methods in Java.
> I mean methods declared like this:
> public const String myMethod() {
>    String a = "a";
>    a = a + "b";
>    return a;
> }
> So that the response of the method is forced to be assigned to a final variable.
> This would be ok:
> final String b = myMethod();
> But this would throw a compilation error:
> String c = myMethod();
> What do you think? It's just an idea.

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