Integrated: 8281962: Avoid unnecessary native calls in InflaterInputStream

Volker Simonis simonis at
Wed Feb 23 08:39:58 UTC 2022

On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 09:30:46 GMT, Volker Simonis <simonis at> wrote:

> Currently, `InflaterInputStream::read()` first does a native call to the underlying zlib `inflate()` function and only afterwards checks if the inflater requires input (i.e. `Inflater::needsInput()`) or has finished inflating (`Inflater::finished()`). This leads to an unnecessary native call to `inflate()` when `InflaterInputStream::read()` is invoked for the very first time because `Inflater::fill()` hasn't been called and another unnecessary native call to detect the end of the stream. For small streams/files which completely fit into the output buffer passed to `InflaterInputStream::read()` we can therefore save two out of three native calls. The attached micro benchmark shows that this results in a 5%-10% performance improvement for zip files of sizes between 4096 to 256 bytes (notice that in common jars like Tomcat, Spring-Boot, Maven, Jackson, etc. about 60-80% of the classes are smaller than 4096 bytes).
> before JDK-8281962
> ------------------
> Benchmark                                     (size)  Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
> InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead     256  avgt    5  2.571 ± 0.120  us/op
> InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead     512  avgt    5  2.861 ± 0.064  us/op
> InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead    4096  avgt    5  5.110 ± 0.278  us/op
> after JDK-8281962
> -----------------
> Benchmark                                     (size)  Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
> InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead     256  avgt    5  2.332 ± 0.081  us/op
> InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead     512  avgt    5  2.691 ± 0.293  us/op
> InflaterInputStreams.inflaterInputStreamRead    4096  avgt    5  4.812 ± 1.038  us/op
> Tested with the JTreg zip/jar/zipfs and the JCK zip/jar tests.
> As a side effect, this change also fixes an issue with alternative zlib implementations like zlib-Chromium or zlib-Cloudflare which pad the inflated bytes with a specif byte pattern at the end of the output for debugging purpose. This breaks code patterns like the following:
> int readcount = 0;
> while ((bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize)) != -1) {
>     outputStream.write(data, 0, bytesRead);
>     readCount++;
> }
> if (readCount == 1) {
>     return data;         //  <---- first bytes might be overwritten
> }
> return outputStream.toByteArray();
> Even if the whole data fits into the `data` array during the first call to ``, we still need a second call to `` in order to detect the end of the inflater stream. If this second call calls into the native `inflate()` function of Cloudflare/Chromium's zlib version, this will still write some padding bytes at the beginning of the `data` array and overwrite the previously read data. This issue has been reported in Spring [1] and ASM [2] when using these libraries with Cloudflares zlib version (by setting `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` accordingly).
> [1]
> [2]

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 378fa507
Author:    Volker Simonis <simonis at>
Stats:     116 lines in 2 files changed: 114 ins; 0 del; 2 mod

8281962: Avoid unnecessary native calls in InflaterInputStream

Reviewed-by: clanger, redestad, alanb, lancea



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