JDK-8186958 - Behaviour of large values for numMapping in WeakHashMap.newWeakHashMap API

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Tue Jun 7 04:09:53 UTC 2022

Hi Jai,

The error

     java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

indicates that the VM really has run out of memory. Presumably if you increased the 
heap size, it would actually be able to allocate that memory. You might have to add 
the /othervm test directive and add JVM options to require a larger heap.

The table size must be a power of two, so the largest table size that will be 
allocated is 1 << 30 or 1073741824 as you noted. That will take about 8GB of heap 
(in the no-compressed-OOP case). That's not terribly large, but we might want to 
check to see if there are other tests that require that much memory.

As you also noted, WeakHashMap eagerly allocates its table whereas LinkedHashMap and 
HashMap do not. I think this is an acceptable behavior variation. Note that we had 
to avoid this case in WhiteboxResizeTest:


We might have to make similar special cases here for WHM.

I don't think we need to document this behavior difference. More precisely: this 
kind of implementation variation doesn't need to be specified. In the future we 
might change WHM to allocate lazily.

The API should accommodate extremely large values of numMappings. Even if it's 
larger than 1 << 30 and the table size is allocated at 1 << 30, it's still possible 
to add numMappings mappings without resizing. (Memory permitting, of course.) Doing 
so will violate the load factor invariant, and it might result in more collisions 
than one would like, but it should still work.

I think we just need to decide whether we want to have a test that allocates this 
much memory, and if so, to apply the necessary settings to make sure the JVM has 
enough heap.


On 6/6/22 12:01 AM, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> In a recent enhancement we added new APIs to construct LinkedHashMap, HashMap and 
> WeakHashMap instances as part of https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8186958.
> Since we missed adding tests for that change, I have been working on adding some 
> basic tests for this change as part of 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8285405. The draft PR is here 
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/9036.
> It's in draft state because it has uncovered an aspect of this change that we might 
> have to address or document for these new APIs. Specifically, the tests I added now 
> have a test which does the equivalent of:
> // numMappings = 2147483647
> var w = WeakHashMap.newWeakHashMap(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
> Similar tests have been added for HashMap and LinkedHashMap too, but for the sake of 
> this discussion, I'll focus on WeakHashMap. Running this code/test runs into:
> test NewWeakHashMap.testNewWeakHashMapNonNegative(2147483647): failure
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
>      at java.base/java.util.WeakHashMap.newTable(WeakHashMap.java:194)
>      at java.base/java.util.WeakHashMap.<init>(WeakHashMap.java:221)
>      at java.base/java.util.WeakHashMap.<init>(WeakHashMap.java:238)
>      at java.base/java.util.WeakHashMap.newWeakHashMap(WeakHashMap.java:1363)
>      at NewWeakHashMap.testNewWeakHashMapNonNegative(NewWeakHashMap.java:69)
> This exception happens with only WeakHashMap. LinkedHashMap and HashMap don't show 
> this behaviour. It appears that WeakHashMap eagerly creates an large array (of 
> length 1073741824 in this case) in the newTable method which gets called by its 
> constructor.
> This raises a few questions about these new APIs - these APIs take an integer and 
> the document allows positive values. So the current Integer.MAX_VALUE in theory is a 
> valid integer value for this API. Should these APIs document what might happen when 
> such a large numMapping is passed to it? Should that documentation be different for 
> different classes (as seen the HashMap and LinkedHashMap behave differently as 
> compared to WeakHashMap)? Should this "numMappings" be considered a hard value? In 
> other words, the current documentation of this new API states:
> "Creates a new, empty WeakHashMap suitable for the expected number of mappings
> ....
> and its initial capacity is generally large enough so that the expected number
> of mappings can be added without resizing the map."
> The documentation doesn't seem to guarantee that the resizing won't occur. So in 
> cases like these where the numMappings is a very large value, should the 
> implementation(s) have logic which doesn't trigger this OOM error?
> -Jaikiran

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