Fields of a CSR request

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at
Thu Apr 20 00:09:57 UTC 2017

PS Added a FAQ item on how to handle a discrepancy between the 
specification and implementation:


On 4/17/2017 4:37 PM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> On 4/13/2017 6:52 AM, Doug Lea wrote:
>> On 04/12/2017 05:14 PM, joe darcy wrote:


>> 3. The old spec contradicted implementation.  The implementation was 
>> correct/desirable, so need to fix spec.
>> 4. [Converse to 3] The old spec contradicted implementation. The 
>> implementation was incorrect/undesirable, but there is user code that 
>> relies on current implementation, so it is better to change spec.
>> All four cases are crossed by whether the spec is part of an 
>> interface, class, or method that could be implemented or overridden 
>> externally to JDK.
> Worth noting that between cases 3 and 4, generally we follow case 3 in 
> terms of resolving a conflict between the spec and implementation. 
> That is, generally the spec is changed to match the implementation, 
> especially if the implementation has been behaving in a certain way 
> for several releases. There are exceptions to this of course. But, 
> when it would be technically reasonable to change either the spec XOR 
> the implementation, we prefer to change the spec, highlighting the 
> importance of having solid specs and implementation to begin with!

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