IcedTea bootstrap and OpenJDK build broken with ecj-3.8/4.2

Stefan Ring stefan at
Mon Apr 15 22:06:59 PDT 2013

> I suspect, as I noted to you about the IcedTea6 issue, that ecj has changed
> what classes get dragged in during the pre-bootstrap stage and it isn't prebuilding
> as many OpenJDK classes. I don't think it's so much a bug as we need to be more
> explicit.  If someone with the IcedTea6 issue wants to try HEAD and see if the
> SSLParameters issue has been resolved, I can know whether it's worth backporting
> to 1.12.x.

As already reported by Omair, it has not. Actually, fixing this issue
blindly would have been very impressive...

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