Request for reviews (S): 7071709: JSR 292: switchpoint invalidation should be pushed not pulled

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at
Thu Aug 25 11:34:13 PDT 2011

On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:21 AM, John Rose wrote:

> That's nice and clean.
> One question:  What happens when a CallSite optimizes down to a ConstantCallSite?  It looks like a useless dependency will get inserted.
> Maybe the call to assert_call_site_target_value should be guarded by a check whether the field is marked final.

target isn't final.  The semantics of the field are captured in the subclass.  It's true you don't need the dependence for ConstantCallSite though.


> Also, get_field_by_offset should be called on the actual type of the ciCallSite, not env->CallSite_klass.  Otherwise you might get NULL for the ciField, if the target fields are split out across different call site subclasses.
> -- John
> On Aug 25, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> 7071709: JSR 292: switchpoint invalidation should be pushed not pulled
>> Reviewed-by:
>> SwitchPoints use a MutableCallSite for its implementation.  The fix is
>> to treat the target field of constant CallSites as a compile time
>> constant and add a dependence for invalidation of the optimization.
>> src/share/vm/opto/memnode.cpp
>> src/share/vm/opto/parse3.cpp

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