XCHG is slow ?

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Tue Jul 3 17:01:26 PDT 2012

On 07/04/2012 01:44 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Rémi,
> NOP and xchg %ax,%ax are and always were the same instruction and have 
> the same encoding 0x90. What you see is multibytes nop (2 bytes in 
> your case) to align following call instruction: 0x66 0x90.
> Vladimir

I see and I suppose that a multibytes nop is not slower than a single 
byte nop.

So to explain my problem clearly, I've two codes the first one is 
fibonacci (ClassicFibo)
with an int, the second one is fibonacci with an int plus the overflow 
detection (FiboSample).

My problem is that the code with the overflow detection is faster the code
without the overflow detection :)


   # {method} 'fibo' '(I)I' in 'ClassicFibo'
   # parm0:    rsi       = int
   #           [sp+0x30]  (sp of caller)
   0x00007fdf91061620: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)  ;...89842400 c0feff
   0x00007fdf91061627: push   %rbp               ;...55
   0x00007fdf91061628: sub    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883ec20
                                                 ;*synchronization entry
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at -1 (line 4)
   0x00007fdf9106162c: mov    %esi,%ebp          ;...8bee
   0x00007fdf9106162e: cmp    $0x2,%esi          ;...83fe02
   0x00007fdf91061631: jl     0x00007fdf91061651  ;...7c1e
                                                 ; - ClassicFibo::fibo at 2 
(line 4)
   0x00007fdf91061633: dec    %esi               ;...ffce
                                                 ; - ClassicFibo::fibo at 9 
(line 7)
   0x00007fdf91061635: xchg   %ax,%ax            ;...6690
   0x00007fdf91061637: callq  0x00007fdf91038060  ;...e8246afd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{off=28}
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at 10 (line 7)
                                                 ;   {static_call}
   0x00007fdf9106163c: mov    %eax,(%rsp)        ;...890424
   0x00007fdf9106163f: mov    %ebp,%esi          ;...8bf5
   0x00007fdf91061641: add    $0xfffffffffffffffe,%esi  ;...83c6fe
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at 15 (line 7)
   0x00007fdf91061644: xchg   %ax,%ax            ;...666690
   0x00007fdf91061647: callq  0x00007fdf91038060  ;...e8146afd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{off=44}
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at 16 (line 7)
                                                 ;   {static_call}
   0x00007fdf9106164c: add    (%rsp),%eax        ;...030424
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at 19 (line 7)
   0x00007fdf9106164f: jmp    0x00007fdf91061656  ;...eb05
   0x00007fdf91061651: mov    $0x1,%eax          ;...b8010000 00
   0x00007fdf91061656: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
   0x00007fdf9106165a: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
   0x00007fdf9106165b: test   %eax,0x91c899f(%rip)        # 
                                                 ;...85059f89 1c09
                                                 ;   {poll_return}
   0x00007fdf91061661: retq                      ;...c3
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at 10 (line 7)
   0x00007fdf91061662: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
   0x00007fdf91061665: jmp    0x00007fdf9106166a  ;...eb03
   0x00007fdf91061667: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - 
ClassicFibo::fibo at 16 (line 7)
   0x00007fdf9106166a: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
   0x00007fdf9106166e: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
   0x00007fdf9106166f: jmpq   0x00007fdf91061220  ;...e9acfbff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007fdf91061674: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf91061675: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf91061676: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf91061677: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf91061678: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf91061679: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf9106167a: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf9106167b: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf9106167c: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf9106167d: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf9106167e: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf9106167f: hlt                       ;...f4
[Stub Code]
   0x00007fdf91061680: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
                                                 ;   {no_reloc}
   0x00007fdf9106168a: jmpq   0x00007fdf9106168a  ;...e9fbffff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007fdf9106168f: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
                                                 ;   {static_stub}
   0x00007fdf91061699: jmpq   0x00007fdf91061699  ;...e9fbffff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
[Exception Handler]
   0x00007fdf9106169e: jmpq   0x00007fdf9105e4a0  ;...e9fdcdff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
[Deopt Handler Code]
   0x00007fdf910616a3: callq  0x00007fdf910616a8  ;...e8000000 00
   0x00007fdf910616a8: subq   $0x5,(%rsp)        ;...48832c24 05
   0x00007fdf910616ad: jmpq   0x00007fdf91038c00  ;...e94e75fd ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007fdf910616b2: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf910616b3: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf910616b4: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf910616b5: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf910616b6: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007fdf910616b7: hlt                       ;...f4

   # {method} 'fibo' '(I)I' in 'FiboSample'
   # parm0:    rsi       = int
   #           [sp+0x30]  (sp of caller)
   0x00007faadd05fd40: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)  ;...89842400 c0feff
   0x00007faadd05fd47: push   %rbp               ;...55
   0x00007faadd05fd48: sub    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883ec20
                                                 ;*synchronization entry
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at -1
   0x00007faadd05fd4c: mov    %esi,(%rsp)        ;...893424
   0x00007faadd05fd4f: cmp    $0x2,%esi          ;...83fe02
   0x00007faadd05fd52: jl     0x00007faadd05fda1  ;...7c4d
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 2
   0x00007faadd05fd54: dec    %esi               ;...ffce
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 9
   0x00007faadd05fd56: nop                       ;...90
   0x00007faadd05fd57: callq  0x00007faadd038060  ;...e80483fd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{off=28}
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 10
                                                 ;   {static_call}
   0x00007faadd05fd5c: mov    %eax,0x4(%rsp)     ;...89442404
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 61
   0x00007faadd05fd60: mov    (%rsp),%esi        ;...8b3424
   0x00007faadd05fd63: add    $0xfffffffffffffffe,%esi  ;...83c6fe
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 18
   0x00007faadd05fd66: nop                       ;...90
   0x00007faadd05fd67: callq  0x00007faadd038060  ;...e8f482fd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{off=44}
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 19
                                                 ;   {static_call}
   0x00007faadd05fd6c: mov    %eax,%r9d          ;...448bc8
   0x00007faadd05fd6f: mov    0x4(%rsp),%eax     ;...8b442404
   0x00007faadd05fd73: add    %r9d,%eax          ;...4103c1
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 75
   0x00007faadd05fd76: mov    0x4(%rsp),%r11d    ;...448b5c24 04
   0x00007faadd05fd7b: xor    %eax,%r11d         ;...4433d8
   0x00007faadd05fd7e: mov    %r9d,%r8d          ;...458bc1
   0x00007faadd05fd81: xor    %eax,%r8d          ;...4433c0
   0x00007faadd05fd84: and    %r8d,%r11d         ;...4523d8
   0x00007faadd05fd87: test   %r11d,%r11d        ;...4585db
   0x00007faadd05fd8a: jge    0x00007faadd05fda6  ;...7d1a
                                                 ; - 
jdart.runtime.RT::addExact at 11 (line 139)
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 37
   0x00007faadd05fd8c: mov    $0xa5,%esi         ;...bea50000 00
   0x00007faadd05fd91: mov    %r9d,(%rsp)        ;...44890c24
   0x00007faadd05fd95: xchg   %ax,%ax            ;...6690
   0x00007faadd05fd97: callq  0x00007faadd039020  ;...e88492fd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{off=92}
                                                 ;*new  ; - 
jdart.runtime.RT::addExact at 14 (line 140)
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 37
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fd9c: callq  0x00007faae7394800  ;...e85f4a33 0a
                                                 ;*new  ; - 
jdart.runtime.RT::addExact at 14 (line 140)
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 37
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fda1: mov    $0x1,%eax          ;...b8010000 00
   0x00007faadd05fda6: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
   0x00007faadd05fdaa: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
   0x00007faadd05fdab: test   %eax,0xab5524f(%rip)        # 
                                                 ;...85054f52 b50a
                                                 ;   {poll_return}
   0x00007faadd05fdb1: retq                      ;...c3
   0x00007faadd05fdb2: mov    0x8(%rax),%r11d    ;...448b5808
   0x00007faadd05fdb6: cmp    $0xefe4b124,%r11d  ;...4181fb24 b1e4ef
   0x00007faadd05fdbd: jne    0x00007faadd05fdf5  ;...7536
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 19
   0x00007faadd05fdbf: mov    0x20(%rax),%ebp    ;...8b6820
   0x00007faadd05fdc2: test   %ebp,%ebp          ;...85ed
   0x00007faadd05fdc4: jne    0x00007faadd05fe11  ;...754b
                                                 ;*getfield value
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 70
   0x00007faadd05fdc6: mov    0x4(%rsp),%eax     ;...8b442404
   0x00007faadd05fdca: xor    %r9d,%r9d          ;...4533c9
   0x00007faadd05fdcd: jmp    0x00007faadd05fd76  ;...eba7
   0x00007faadd05fdcf: mov    0x8(%rax),%r11d    ;...448b5808
   0x00007faadd05fdd3: cmp    $0xefe4b124,%r11d  ;...4181fb24 b1e4ef
   0x00007faadd05fdda: jne    0x00007faadd05fdf0  ;...7514
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 10
   0x00007faadd05fddc: mov    0x20(%rax),%ebp    ;...8b6820
   0x00007faadd05fddf: test   %ebp,%ebp          ;...85ed
   0x00007faadd05fde1: jne    0x00007faadd05fe02  ;...751f
                                                 ;*getfield value
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 57
   0x00007faadd05fde3: xor    %r11d,%r11d        ;...4533db
   0x00007faadd05fde6: mov    %r11d,0x4(%rsp)    ;...44895c24 04
   0x00007faadd05fdeb: jmpq   0x00007faadd05fd60  ;...e970ffff ff
   0x00007faadd05fdf0: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
   0x00007faadd05fdf3: jmp    0x00007faadd05fdf8  ;...eb03
   0x00007faadd05fdf5: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 19
   0x00007faadd05fdf8: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
   0x00007faadd05fdfc: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
   0x00007faadd05fdfd: jmpq   0x00007faadd061660  ;...e95e1800 00
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe02: mov    $0xffffffec,%esi   ;...beecffff ff
   0x00007faadd05fe07: callq  0x00007faadd039020  ;...e81492fd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{rbp=NarrowOop 
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 60
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe0c: callq  0x00007faae7394800  ;...e8ef4933 0a
                                                 ;*getfield value
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 57
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe11: mov    $0xffffffec,%esi   ;...beecffff ff
   0x00007faadd05fe16: nop                       ;...90
   0x00007faadd05fe17: callq  0x00007faadd039020  ;...e80492fd ff
                                                 ; OopMap{rbp=NarrowOop 
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 73
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe1c: callq  0x00007faae7394800  ;...e8df4933 0a
                                                 ;*getfield value
                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 70
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe21: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe22: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe23: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe24: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe25: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe26: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe27: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe28: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe29: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe2a: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe2b: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe2c: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe2d: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe2e: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe2f: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe30: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe31: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe32: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe33: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe34: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe35: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe36: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe37: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe38: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe39: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe3a: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe3b: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe3c: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe3d: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe3e: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe3f: hlt                       ;...f4
[Stub Code]
   0x00007faadd05fe40: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
                                                 ;   {no_reloc}
   0x00007faadd05fe4a: jmpq   0x00007faadd05fe4a  ;...e9fbffff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe4f: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
                                                 ;   {static_stub}
   0x00007faadd05fe59: jmpq   0x00007faadd05fe59  ;...e9fbffff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
[Exception Handler]
   0x00007faadd05fe5e: jmpq   0x00007faadd05e8e0  ;...e97deaff ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
[Deopt Handler Code]
   0x00007faadd05fe63: callq  0x00007faadd05fe68  ;...e8000000 00
   0x00007faadd05fe68: subq   $0x5,(%rsp)        ;...48832c24 05
   0x00007faadd05fe6d: jmpq   0x00007faadd038c00  ;...e98e8dfd ff
                                                 ;   {runtime_call}
   0x00007faadd05fe72: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe73: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe74: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe75: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe76: hlt                       ;...f4
   0x00007faadd05fe77: hlt                       ;...f4

> Rémi Forax wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I've found something really weird, c2 sometimes generates
>> the assembler instruction xchg %ax, %ax (see the assembly code
>> of fibo just before the first recursive call)
>> which I believe is equivalent to a nop but slower.
>> In fact, xchg is really slow in my laptop (Nehalem), slower than
>> at least 5/6 instructions like move/xor/and.
>> I think it's because xchg is atomic see [1]
>> I think c2 should never generate xchg or at least replace all xchg 
>> %r, %r by nop.
>> Rémi
>> [1] 
>> http://www.intel.ru/content/dam/doc/white-paper/intel-microarchitecture-white-paper.pdf 
>> public class ClassicFibo {
>>   private static int fibo(int n) {
>>     if (n < 2) {
>>       return 1;
>>     }
>>     return fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2);
>>   }
>>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>>     System.out.println(fibo(40));
>>   }
>> }
>>   # {method} 'fibo' '(I)I' in 'ClassicFibo'
>>   # parm0:    rsi       = int
>>   #           [sp+0x30]  (sp of caller)
>>   0x00007fb409061620: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)
>>   0x00007fb409061627: push   %rbp
>>   0x00007fb409061628: sub    $0x20,%rsp ;*synchronization entry
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at -1 (line 4)
>>   0x00007fb40906162c: mov    %esi,%ebp
>>   0x00007fb40906162e: cmp    $0x2,%esi
>>   0x00007fb409061631: jl     0x00007fb409061651  ;*if_icmpge
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 2 (line 4)
>>   0x00007fb409061633: dec    %esi               ;*isub
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 9 (line 7)
>>   0x00007fb409061635: xchg   %ax,%ax
>>   0x00007fb409061637: callq  0x00007fb409038060  ; OopMap{off=28}
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 10 (line 7)
>>                                                 ; {static_call}
>>   ...

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