[9] RFR (XS): 8036588 : VerifyFieldClosure fails instanceKlass:3133

David Chase david.r.chase at oracle.com
Tue Jul 8 19:13:30 UTC 2014

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8036588 (closed because only seen in SQE)

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~drchase/8036588/webrev.00/

The root cause is use of the wrong liveness information at deoptimization point.
The old code uses the optimizer's notion of "live" -- but deoptimization transfers to the
interpreter and which can (will) manipulate values that are dead to the optimizer.
The trigger is very tricky -- the following things need to happen:

1) an object D that will be dead is allocated
2) a method M is invoked that returns an object F, to only be stored in a field f of D
3) the optimizer eliminates the allocation of D and the storefield into D.f
4) deoptimization hits an execution of M; deoptimization reallocates D for the
    interpreter; BUT the reallocation triggers a GC, which would forward F if
    it had been correctly noted as live out of the call to M (but the bug is that it
    was not).
5) the interpreter evaluates D.f = F (this succeeds)
6) before the frame with D in it exits, ANOTHER garbage collection occurs (or perhaps
     GC was running concurrently in some way) and attempts to trace/copy through
     D and D.f.
7) Hilarity ensues.
8) For extra giggles, this has only ever been observed with -Xmx=32G (or the corresponding
     -XX:MaxRAMFraction= option) plus of course -XX:+DeoptimizeALot.  Also setting
    -XX:DeoptimizeALotInterval=1 increases the failure rate to about 10% of test runs.
    There's some additional missing context, because following this recipe to write a simpler
    test for public consumption did not result in a crashing program.

fix: Use a simpler test for "pointer is live from M" -- if the return type is an object,
      then it is "live", at least for the interpreter.

  jtreg of runtime, gc, compiler

  got to the point where I could see fails often enough for the two tests known to trigger this,
  and after the fix neither test was observed to fail even once, even with hundreds of repetitions.

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