RFR (S) : 8032449 : Get rid of JMX in test/compiler/whitebox/CompilerWhiteBoxTest.java

Igor Ignatyev igor.ignatyev at oracle.com
Thu Jul 17 22:18:09 UTC 2014

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev/8032449/webrev.00/
69 lines changed: 27 ins; 34 del; 8 mod;

Hi all,

Please review the patch which removes dependency on JMX from several 
tests (replacing usage of 'c.s.m.HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean' w/ 
WhiteBox::get*VMFlag) and removes them from needs_compact3 group.

I also moved @ignore tags after @library in the tests quarantined by 
8047996. I needed this to verify that my changes don't break them, w/o 
that, jtreg can't start them and counts as errors even w/ -ignore:run 
due to:
> Parse Exception: `@library' must appear before first `@run'

jbs: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8032449
testing: :compact1 w/ -ignore:run on compact1-linux-i586; ./compiler in JPRT

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