Integrated: 8264795: IGV: Upgrade NetBeans platform

Roberto Castañeda Lozano rcastanedalo at
Tue Apr 13 09:30:58 UTC 2021

On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 18:34:54 GMT, Roberto Castañeda Lozano <rcastanedalo at> wrote:

> This change upgrades the NetBeans platform on which IGV is based to its latest version ([12.3]( and switches IGV's build system from Ant to Maven. The upgrade introduces support for a wide range of JDK versions (from 8 to 15, the latest version supported by NetBeans 12.3), and the switch from Ant to Maven makes the IGV build simpler, faster (first-time build is approximately 5x faster), and more stable (all dependencies are fetched directly from the Maven central repository).
> The change also fixes broken unit tests in the Data module and runs them by default when building.
> #### Testing
> Regression-tested the following use cases manually on all combinations of (Linux, Windows, macOS) and (JDK 8, JDK 11, JDK 15):
> - build
> - open graph file (small.xml in [](
> - import graphs via network (localhost)
> - expand groups in outline
> - open a graph
> - open a clone
> - zoom in and out
> - search a node
> - apply filters
> - extract a node
> - show all nodes
> - select nodes corresponding to a bytecode
> - view control flow
> - select nodes corresponding to a basic block
> - cluster nodes
> - show satellite view
> - compute the difference of two graphs
> - change node text
> - remove a group
> - save groups into a file
> - open a large graph file (large.xml in [](
> - open a large graph ("After Escape Analysis" in large.xml)
> Thanks to Vladimir Ivanov for helping with testing on macOS.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 954b9a1c
Author:    Roberto Castañeda Lozano <rcastanedalo at>
Stats:     5940 lines in 499 files changed: 2727 ins; 3110 del; 103 mod

8264795: IGV: Upgrade NetBeans platform

Upgrade IGV's underlying NetBeans platform to version 12.3, switch build system
from Ant to Maven, and fix broken unit tests in Data module.

Reviewed-by: kvn, chagedorn, neliasso, xliu



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