RFR [8039152] Need a way to suppress message when picking up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS

Ivan Gerasimov ivan.gerasimov at oracle.com
Thu Apr 3 20:04:59 UTC 2014

On 03.04.2014 22:27, Staffan Larsen wrote:
> With “Unified JVM Logging” (JEP-158) we plan to make sure that all warnings/error and other output from the JVM can be redirected to files or muted. I think that is the real solution we are looking for here. That feature is currently planned for JDK 9.

What we were asked for is a solution for jdk7u.
I don't think Unified JVM Logging is going to be ported back to jdk7 
once it is implemented.

Sincerely yours,

> /Staffan
> On 3 apr 2014, at 19:16, Seán Coffey <sean.coffey at oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 03/04/2014 17:03, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>>> Ivan,
>>>> The VM squawks about JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and _JAVA_OPTIONS being used
>>>> because they are dangerous. Adding an option that would allow the
>>>> same mechanism to be used without warning would be... well...
>>>> even more dangerous.
>>> The customer already has a way to get rid of the warning: Preprocess the output and filter the warning out.
>>> This approach is ugly, hard to make general and leads to errors.
>>> I think we should provide an option to achieve the same effect but without that hard work around.
>> I think this suggested enhancement would be a plus to many enterprises. The issue stems from the submitter running into issues with how the user.home property works on windows vista and later. Fix was addressed in JDK-6519127 and JDK8 but can't be backported to 7u due to behavioural differences. Given the enterprise and many applications, a per application system property to set the user.home property wasn't suitable. _JAVA_OPTIONS makes for easier deployment of this property.
>> Now - with submitter having to use _JAVA_OPTIONS, it spews out such settings to stderr. Other applications are scraping output from stderr. Yes - not a great design, but that's the way it is.
>> This new option would surely be a useful addition for anyone running into such an issue. Is there a better way without them re-writing application code ?
>> regards,
>> Sean.
>>> Sincerely yours,
>>> Ivan

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