RFR: 8086027: Multiple STATIC_ASSERTs at class scope doesn't work

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Tue Jun 9 05:51:56 UTC 2015

Third time's the charm?

Please review this change to the STATIC_ASSERT macro, to allow
multiple assertions in the same class scope.

It seems we do need to make the typedef names used in the expansion
unique per scope; see CR for details.  We accomplish this with
preprocessor token pasting with __LINE__ (done correctly, unlike in
the change for JDK-8067306).

Apparently my testing for JDK-8073994 missed the class scope case.
With this change set I'm adding tests for all three of namespace,
class, and function scope.

As part of this, I'm also adding PASTE_TOKENS(x, y) utility macro.
I'm willing to entertain alternative naming suggestions, though hoping
to avoid a bikeshed discussion.




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