RFR 8134995(M): [REDO] GC: implement ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them missing

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Wed Sep 23 20:35:11 UTC 2015

On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:05 PM, sangheon.kim <sangheon.kim at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 09/21/2015 02:59 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>> On Sep 10, 2015, at 8:01 PM, sangheon.kim <sangheon.kim at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> CR:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8134995
>>> Webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8134995/webrev.00/
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sangheki/8134995/webrev.00_to_8078555
>>> Testing:
>>> JPRT, UTE(vm.quick-pcl) and test/runtime/CommandLine/OptionsValidation/TestOptionsWithRanges.java.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> src/share/vm/gc/g1/g1_globals.hpp
>>  142   product(intx, G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis, 300,                 \
>> ...
>>  145           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
>> Why is this being changed from max_intx to max_jint?
> This option is used for 'long' type parameter and it is 32bit for Windows.

I think you are saying that on Windows the value of this option is
passed to some API that is limited to a 32bit value?  If so, then OK.

>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> src/share/vm/gc/g1/g1_globals.hpp
>>  169   develop(intx, G1RSetRegionEntriesBase, 256,                               \
>>  173   product(intx, G1RSetRegionEntries, 0,                                     \
>>  179   develop(intx, G1RSetSparseRegionEntriesBase, 4,                           \
>>  184   product(intx, G1RSetSparseRegionEntries, 0,                               \
>>  240   product(uintx, G1ConcRefinementThreads, 0,                                \
>> All of these have their max range value changed to be divided by 4.
>> What's this about?  What is this magic "4"?
> 'G1RSetRegionEntries', 'G1RSetSparseRegionEntries' and 'G1ConcRefinementThreads' are finally multiplied by pointer size.
> So we need to divide by 4 for 32bit to avoid overflow. We don't need for 64bit but I thought it will be enough for 64bit.
> 'G1RSetRegionEntriesBase' and 'G1RSetSparseRegionEntriesBase' changed to have same range as 'G1RSetRegionEntries' and 'G1RSetSparseRegionEntries’.

Dividing by 4 doesn't account for being multiplied by pointer size on
a 64bit platform.  In light of that, I don't understand this part of
your response: "We don't need for 64bit but I thought it will be
enough for 64bit."

>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> src/share/vm/gc/g1/g1_globals.hpp
>>  240   product(uintx, G1ConcRefinementThreads, 0,                                \
>> ...
>>  243           range(0, (max_jint-1)/4)                                          \
>> I know we discussed the problem of thread counts.  I'd suggested
>> perhaps basing the upper bound on the number of processors.  (Some
>> care might be needed for uniprocessor systems.) I couldn't find any
>> followup on that suggestion though.
> Firstly I agreed to your opinion of using the number of processors if we need to give upper bound.
> But from the email thread that we discussed, I ended not to handle OOM from our range/constraint validation framework.
> Dmitry told us that testing framework is okay for OOM(only for exit value of 1) and Gerard also agreed not to handle it from validation.
> Finally, I think the only thing that we need for this option is just excluding this test.
> If we don't exclude tests that are using too many resources, it would make problem to other tests that running in parallel.
> So it would be better to exclude these tests.

See my response to Jon on this part.

I'm OK with going ahead with this changeset despite the above open
discussions.  The rest of the changes look good to me, and these
couple of lingering items are no worse than, and perhaps an
improvement on, the status quo.  We can follow up on the above items

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