RFR: 8017629: G1: UseSHM in combination with a G1HeapRegionSize > os::large_page_size() falls back to use small pages

Per Liden per.liden at oracle.com
Tue Apr 19 06:53:45 UTC 2016

Hi Stefan,

On 2016-04-18 12:04, Stefan Karlsson wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I discussed the code with Per and updated the names and changed the code
> slightly.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8017629/webrev.03.delta
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8017629/webrev.03

Looks good to me.


> 1) shmat_with_large_alignment was renamed to shmat_with_alignment and
> all references to large pages were removed.
> 2) shmat_with_normal_alignment was renamed to shmat_at_address and all
> references to pages sizes were removed.
> 3) shmat_with_alignment was renamed to shmat_large_pages and all large
> pages specific code were kept in that function.
> 4) shmat_large_pages was restructured to have one section for the
> req_addr != NULL case, and another section for req_addr == NULL. I know
> that you suggested to call shmat_with_alignment (previously
> shmat_with_normal_alignment) for both cases in the req_addr == NULL
> section, but I would like to only have to use shmat_with_alignment when
> it's really necessary.
> Thanks,
> StefanK
> On 2016-04-13 15:59, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Stefan Karlsson
>> <stefan.karlsson at oracle.com <mailto:stefan.karlsson at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi Thomas,
>>     On 2016-04-13 12:44, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>>     Hi Stefan,
>>>     On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Stefan Karlsson
>>>     <stefan.karlsson at oracle.com <mailto:stefan.karlsson at oracle.com>>
>>>     wrote:
>>>         Hi Thomas,
>>>         On 2016-04-12 16:23, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>>>         Hi Stefan,
>>>>         On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Stefan Karlsson
>>>>         <stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
>>>>         <mailto:stefan.karlsson at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>             Hi Thomas,
>>>>             On 2016-04-11 14:39, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
>>>>>             Hi Stefan,
>>>>>             short question, why the mmap before the shmat? Why not
>>>>>             shmat right away at the requested address?
>>>>             If we have a requested_address we do exactly what you
>>>>             propose.
>>>>               if (req_addr == NULL && alignment >
>>>>             os::large_page_size()) {
>>>>                 return shmat_with_large_alignment(shmid, bytes,
>>>>             alignment);
>>>>               } else {
>>>>                 return shmat_with_normal_alignment(shmid, req_addr);
>>>>               }
>>>>             ...
>>>>             static char* shmat_with_normal_alignment(int shmid,
>>>>             char* req_addr) {
>>>>               char* addr = (char*)shmat(shmid, req_addr, 0);
>>>>               if ((intptr_t)addr == -1) {
>>>>             shm_warning_with_errno("Failed to attach shared memory.");
>>>>                 return NULL;
>>>>               }
>>>>               return addr;
>>>>             }
>>>>             It's when you don't have a requested address that mmap
>>>>             is used to find a large enough virtual memory area.
>>>>         Sorry, seems I did not look at this coding thoroughly
>>>>         enough. I understand now that you do mmap to allocate and
>>>>         then to cut away the extra pre-/post-space, something which
>>>>         would not be possible with shmat, which cannot be unmapped
>>>>         page-wise.
>>>>         But I am still not sure why we do it his way:
>>>>         3429 static char* shmat_with_alignment(int shmid, size_t
>>>>         bytes, size_t alignment, char* req_addr) {
>>>>         3430   // If there's no requested address, the shmat call
>>>>         can return memory that is not
>>>>         3431   // 'alignment' aligned, if the given alignment is
>>>>         larger than the large page size.
>>>>         3432   // Special care needs to be taken to ensure that we
>>>>         get aligned memory back.
>>>>         3433   if (req_addr == NULL && alignment >
>>>>         os::large_page_size()) {
>>>>         3434     return shmat_with_large_alignment(shmid, bytes,
>>>>         alignment);
>>>>         3435   } else {
>>>>         3436     return shmat_with_normal_alignment(shmid, req_addr);
>>>>         3437   }
>>>>         3438 }
>>>>         For req_addr==0 and big alignment, we attach at the given
>>>>         alignment ("shmat_with_large_alignment").
>>>>         For req_addr!=0, we attach at the given requested address
>>>>         ("shmat_with_normal_alignment").
>>>>         For req_addr==0 and smaller alignment, we ignore the
>>>>         alignment and attach anywhere?
>>>>         Maybe I am slow, but why does it matter if the alignment is
>>>>         large or small? Why not just distinguish between:
>>>>         1) address given (req_addr!=0): in this case we attach at
>>>>         this req_addr and rely on the user having aligned the
>>>>         address properly for his purposes. We specify 0 for flags,
>>>>         so we will attach at exactly the given address or fail. In
>>>>         this case we could simply ignore the given alignment - if
>>>>         one was given - or just use it to counter-check the req_addr.
>>>>         2) alignment given (req_addr==0 and alignment > 0): attach
>>>>         at the given alignment using mmap-before-shmat. This could
>>>>         be done for any alignment, be it large or small.
>>>         What you propose doesn't work.
>>>         We're allocating large pages with SHM_HUGETLB, and if we try
>>>         to attach to an address that is not large_page_size aligned
>>>         the shmat call returns EINVAL.
>>>     I was aware of this. What I meant was:
>>>     You have "shmat_with_large_alignment" which takes an alignment
>>>     and does its best to shmat with that alignment using the mmap
>>>     trick. This coding does not need to know anything about huge
>>>     pages, and actually does not do anything huge-pagey, apart from
>>>     the asserts - it would just as well work with small pages,
>>>     because the only place where the code needs to know about huge
>>>     pages is in the layer above, in reserve_memory_special - where we
>>>     pass SHM_HUGETLB to shmget. (Btw, I always wondered about the
>>>     "reserve_memory_special" naming.)
>>>     I think my point is that by renaming this to
>>>     "shmat_with_alignment" and removing the huge-page-related asserts
>>>     the function would become both simpler and more versatile and
>>>     could be reused for small alignments as well as large ones. The
>>>     fact that it returns EINVAL for alignments instead of asserting
>>>     would not be a problem - we would return an error instead of
>>>     asserting because of bad alignment, and both handling this error
>>>     and asserting for huge-page-alignment could be handled better in
>>>     reserve_memory_special.
>>>     To put it another way, I think "shmat_with_large_alignment" does
>>>     not need to know about huge pages; this should be the
>>>     responsibility of reserve_memory_special.
>>>     About "shmat_with_normal_alignment", this is actually only a raw
>>>     shmat call and exists for the req_addr!=NULL case and for the
>>>     case where we do not pass neither req_addr nor alignment. So the
>>>     only thing it does not handle is alignment, so it is misnamed and
>>>     also should not be called for the
>>>     req_addr==NULL-and-small-alignments-case.
>>     The reserve_memory_special_shm function and the associated helper
>>     functions I'm adding are specifically written to support large
>>     pages allocations. The names "normal_alignment" and
>>     "large_alignment" are intended to refer to alignment sizes
>>     compared to the large pages size. I grant you that it's not
>>     obvious from the name, and we can rename them to make it more clear.
>>     I want to provide a small bug fix for this large pages bug, while
>>     you are suggesting that we re-purpose the code into supporting
>>     small page allocations as well. Your suggestions might be good,
>>     but may I suggest that you create a patch and an RFE that
>>     motivates why we should make this code more generic to support
>>     small pages as well?
>>     Thanks,
>>     StefanK
>> Ok, we can do that. I was just worried that the code becomes more
>> difficult to understand. But lets wait for some more reviews.
>> Kind Regards, Thomas
>>>>         Functions would become simpler and also could be clearer
>>>>         named (e.g. "shmat_at_address" and "shmat_with_alignment",
>>>>         respectivly).
>>>         Maybe I should rename the functions to make it more obvious
>>>         that these are large pages specific functions?
>>>>         ----
>>>>         This:
>>>>         3402   if ((intptr_t)addr == -1) {
>>>>         3403 shm_warning_with_errno("Failed to attach shared memory.");
>>>>         3404     // Since we don't know if the kernel unmapped the
>>>>         pre-reserved memory area
>>>>         3405     // we can't unmap it, since that would potentially
>>>>         unmap memory that was
>>>>         3406     // mapped from other threads.
>>>>         3407     return NULL;
>>>>         3408   }
>>>>         seems scary. Means for every call this happens, we leak the
>>>>         reserved (not committed) address space?
>>>         Yes, that's unfortunate.
>>>         An alternative would be to use this sequence:
>>>         1) Use anon_mmap_aligned to find a suitable VA range
>>>         2) Immediately unmap the VA range
>>>         3) Try to attach at that VA range _without_ SHM_REMAP
>>>         That would remove the risk of leaking the reserved address
>>>         space, but instead we risk failing at (3) if another thread
>>>         manages to allocate memory inside the found VA range. This
>>>         will cause some users to unnecessarily fail to get large
>>>         pages, though. We've had other problems when pre-existing
>>>         threads used mmap while we were initializing the VM. See:
>>>         JDK-8007074.
>>>     Yes; btw you also could do this with shmget/shmat instead of mmap.
>>>     Note that similar unclean tricks are already done in other
>>>     places, see e.g. the windows version of
>>>     os::pd_split_reserved_memory(). Which deals with VirtualAlloc()
>>>     being unable, like shmget, to deallocate piece-wise.
>>>>         For most cases (anything but ENOMEM, actually) could we at
>>>>         least assert?:
>>>>         EACCES - should not happen: we created the shared memory and
>>>>         are its owner
>>>>         EIDRM  - should not happen.
>>>>         EINVAL - should not happen. (you already check now the
>>>>         attach address for alignment to SHMLBA, so this is covered)
>>>         Sure. I'll add asserts for these.
>>>>         ---
>>>>         Smaller nits:
>>>>         Functions called "shmat_..." suggest shmat-like behaviour,
>>>>         so could we have them return -1 instead of NULL in case of
>>>>         error?
>>>         That would add clutter to the reserve_memory_special_shm, and
>>>         it might also suggest that it would be OK to check errno for
>>>         the failure reason, which probably wouldn't work. I'll let
>>>         other Reviewers chime in and help decide if we should change
>>>         this.
>>>     You are right. If one returns -1, one would have to preserve
>>>     errno for the caller too.
>>>         Thanks for reviewing this,
>>>         StefanK
>>>     You are welcome!
>>>     Kind Regards, Thomas
>>>>         Kind Regards, Thomas
>>>>>             Also note that mmap- and shmat-allocated memory may
>>>>>             have different alignment requirements: mmap requires a
>>>>>             page-aligned request address, whereas shmat requires
>>>>>             alignment to SHMLBA, which may be multiple pages (e.g.
>>>>>             for ARM:
>>>>> http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/arch/arm/include/asm/shmparam.h#L9).
>>>>>             So, for this shat-over-mmap trick to work, request
>>>>>             address has to be aligned to SHMLBA, not just page size.
>>>>>             I see that you assert alignment of requ address to
>>>>>             os::large_page_size(), which I would assume is a
>>>>>             multiple of SHMLBA, but I am not sure of this.
>>>>             I've added some defensive code and asserts to catch this
>>>>             if/when this assumption fails:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8017629/webrev.02.delta/
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Estefank/8017629/webrev.02.delta/>
>>>>             http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8017629/webrev.02
>>>>             <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Estefank/8017629/webrev.02>
>>>>             I need to verify that this works on other machines than
>>>>             my local Linux x64 machine.
>>>>             Thanks,
>>>>             StefanK
>>>>>             Kind Regards, Thomas
>>>>>             On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Stefan Karlsson
>>>>>             <stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
>>>>>             <mailto:stefan.karlsson at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>                 Hi all,
>>>>>                 Please review this patch to enable SHM large page
>>>>>                 allocations even when the requested alignment is
>>>>>                 larger than os::large_page_size().
>>>>>                 http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stefank/8017629/webrev.01
>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Estefank/8017629/webrev.01>
>>>>>                 https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8017629
>>>>>                 G1 is affected by this bug since it requires the
>>>>>                 heap to start at an address that is aligned with
>>>>>                 the heap region size. The patch fixes this by
>>>>>                 changing the UseSHM large pages allocation code.
>>>>>                 First, virtual memory with correct alignment is
>>>>>                 pre-reserved and then the large pages are attached
>>>>>                 to this memory area.
>>>>>                 Tested with vm.gc.testlist and ExecuteInternaVMTests
>>>>>                 Thanks,
>>>>>                 StefanK

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