RFR 8169389 : Use a bitmap to control StackTraceElement::toString format and save footprint

Brent Christian brent.christian at oracle.com
Sat Dec 10 01:16:58 UTC 2016

On 12/07/2016 04:05 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> I suggest to add two utility methods rather than the has method:
>    boolean dropClassLoaderName()
>    boolean dropModuleVersion()


>   430    if (m != null && m.isNamed() &&
>   431          (isHashedInJavaBase(m) || !m.getDescriptor().version().isPresent())) {
>   432        bits |= JDK_NON_UPGRADEABLE_MODULE;
>   433    }
> I think this should simply be:
>     if (isHashedInJavaBase(m)) {..}


> Can you retain the javadoc of toLoaderModuleClassName, revised if appropriate, in the computeFormat method?


> line 322-325: what about:
> The toString method may return two different values on two
> StackTraceElement instances that are equal for example when
> one created via the constructor and one obtained from Throwable
> or StackFrame where an implementation may choose to omit some
> element in the returned string.

That sounds good.

> Is @apiNote in equals necessary?  Maybe the one added in toString is adequate?

I'm fine without it - removed.

I also fixed test code for a case which only works with the images build.

Updated webrev:


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