ByteBuffer performance issue in Java 9?

Michael McCandless lucene at
Sun Mar 12 21:15:25 UTC 2017

Hi Uwe,

I ran the standard luceneutil Wikipedia benchmark (same as what's run
nightly at

I compared Java 1.8.0_121 (base, below) and Java 9 ea 160 (comp), indexing
and searching all Wikipedia English content, using MMapDirectory, and
net/net there is some smallish slowdown, but it's not catastrophic.

I'm not sure why sloppy phrase queries are particularly hit.  This was
after 20 JVM iterations:

                    Task    QPS base      StdDev    QPS comp
StdDev                Pct diff
         LowSloppyPhrase       11.02      (6.0%)        9.17
(3.1%)  -16.8% ( -24% -   -8%)
        HighSloppyPhrase        7.40      (4.5%)        6.36
(2.9%)  -14.1% ( -20% -   -6%)
         MedSloppyPhrase        5.13      (4.3%)        4.48
(2.4%)  -12.7% ( -18% -   -6%)
                HighTerm       44.54      (5.6%)       39.01
(3.6%)  -12.4% ( -20% -   -3%)
               OrHighLow       39.53      (7.1%)       34.70
(4.9%)  -12.2% ( -22% -    0%)
                 MedTerm       86.34      (5.2%)       75.88
(3.3%)  -12.1% ( -19% -   -3%)
            OrHighNotLow       52.00      (7.1%)       46.10
(6.0%)  -11.3% ( -22% -    1%)
BrowseDayOfYearSSDVFacets       5.33      (3.3%)        4.76
(5.8%)  -10.6% ( -19% -   -1%)
   HighTermDayOfYearSort       20.49      (5.5%)       18.36
(5.8%)  -10.4% ( -20% -    1%)
   BrowseMonthTaxoFacets        1.47      (2.2%)        1.35
(6.8%)   -8.6% ( -17% -    0%)
            OrHighNotMed       41.62      (3.5%)       38.18
(4.7%)   -8.3% ( -15% -    0%)
           OrHighNotHigh       16.08      (3.3%)       14.84
(4.4%)   -7.7% ( -14% -    0%)
BrowseDayOfYearTaxoFacets       1.31      (2.1%)        1.21
(6.4%)   -7.1% ( -15% -    1%)
    BrowseDateTaxoFacets        1.31      (2.1%)        1.22
(6.5%)   -7.0% ( -15% -    1%)
                 Prefix3       20.13      (7.2%)       18.74
(5.9%)   -6.9% ( -18% -    6%)
           OrNotHighHigh       23.22      (3.1%)       21.63
(3.9%)   -6.9% ( -13% -    0%)
                  IntNRQ        7.33      (9.3%)        6.83
(11.2%)   -6.8% ( -24% -   15%)
                  Fuzzy2      105.61      (1.7%)       98.65
(1.3%)   -6.6% (  -9% -   -3%)
                Wildcard       56.59      (5.4%)       52.86
(4.3%)   -6.6% ( -15% -    3%)
             MedSpanNear       36.06      (4.0%)       33.88
(3.6%)   -6.0% ( -13% -    1%)
            HighSpanNear       35.40      (4.0%)       33.39
(3.8%)   -5.7% ( -12% -    2%)
                  Fuzzy1       89.36      (1.6%)       84.28
(1.5%)   -5.7% (  -8% -   -2%)
               OrHighMed       28.17      (9.8%)       26.66
(3.6%)   -5.4% ( -17% -    8%)
              OrHighHigh       17.94     (10.5%)       17.01
(3.7%)   -5.2% ( -17% -   10%)
                 LowTerm      397.33      (2.4%)      377.12
(1.4%)   -5.1% (  -8% -   -1%)
            OrNotHighMed       86.69      (2.1%)       82.75
(3.1%)   -4.5% (  -9% -    0%)
              HighPhrase        8.58      (7.2%)        8.19
(6.6%)   -4.5% ( -17% -   10%)
             LowSpanNear       42.81      (1.5%)       41.17
(1.6%)   -3.8% (  -6% -    0%)
                 Respell       71.63      (1.3%)       69.17
(1.4%)   -3.4% (  -6% -    0%)
   BrowseMonthSSDVFacets        5.74     (11.1%)        5.55
(10.8%)   -3.4% ( -22% -   20%)
             AndHighHigh       33.22      (1.6%)       32.15
(1.5%)   -3.2% (  -6% -    0%)
               LowPhrase       43.46      (1.6%)       42.39
(1.4%)   -2.5% (  -5% -    0%)
                PKLookup      360.20      (2.1%)      352.10
(1.3%)   -2.3% (  -5% -    1%)
               MedPhrase       33.01      (3.9%)       32.56
(3.7%)   -1.4% (  -8% -    6%)
              AndHighLow      706.78      (2.4%)      706.29
(1.5%)   -0.1% (  -3% -    3%)
       HighTermMonthSort       40.02      (4.4%)       40.36
(4.9%)    0.9% (  -8% -   10%)
            OrNotHighLow      585.09      (2.8%)      593.40
(1.8%)    1.4% (  -3% -    6%)
              AndHighMed      111.84      (2.6%)      113.65
(1.5%)    1.6% (  -2% -    5%)

Mike McCandless

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 1:18 PM, Uwe Schindler <uschindler at>

> Hi,
> we just noticed this issue:
> browse/JDK-8176513
> As Apache Lucene relies heavily on performance of ByteBuffers (especially
> MappedByteBuffer), this would be a desaster if it would get even slower
> than Java 8. We were so happy that there was much work going on to improve
> the performance of ByteBuffers so they were at some point almost as fast as
> byte[]. Because of that we are currently working on making Lucene work fine
> with Java 9, because once it is out, we would inform all users and
> recommend to use Java 9 because of these optimizations. The tests of Lucene
> are already running perfectly, no problems like data corrumption (remember
> Java 7 GA or 7u40). Also Apache Solr people try to fix the remaining
> Hadoop/Kerberos-Auth issues because of Jigsaw. We also have unmapping
> working using Unsafe::invokeCleaner, so we are prepared...
> I am not yet sure if this bug affects us, we have to run perf tests first.
> Nevertheless, this is our usage pattern:
> - we only read from ByteBuffers (MappedByteBuffer), never store anything
> (we use mmap to execute Lucene searches on the mapped index with often 10th
> sometimes also 100th of gigabytes of data files that were mmapped).
> - we do sequential reads (position() and then getByte(), getXxX)
> - we also do positional reads like this test (for the so called DocValues
> in Lucene, which is a column based store). This is mainly like sorting
> search results based on a compare function that accesses a ByteBuffer as
> random-access source for comparison values.
> - we don't use IntBuffer, we work directly on ByteBuffer
> I asked Mike McCandless to run the performance tests with a recent Java 9
> version to see if it affects us. Is there any information, when this bug
> was introduced into Java 9? Nevertheless, please fix it for Java 9 GA, if
> it affects us it would be a major loss of search performance for us!
> It would be good to get some information about your plans :-) Thanks!
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> uschindler at
> ASF Member, Apache Lucene PMC / Committer
> Bremen, Germany
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