(RFR)(S)(10): 8176768: hotspot ignores PTHREAD_STACK_MIN when creating new threads

Chris Plummer chris.plummer at oracle.com
Tue Mar 21 21:20:00 UTC 2017

On 3/21/17 12:51 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8176768/webrev.02/webrev.hotspot
> src/os/aix/vm/os_aix.cpp
>     No comments.
> src/os/bsd/vm/os_bsd.cpp
>     No comments.
> src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp
>     L729:   // In that cast just subract the page size to get the 
> maximum possible stack size.
>         Typo: 'cast' -> 'case'
>         Typo: 'subract' -> 'subtract' (Thomas also commented on it)
> src/os/posix/vm/os_posix.cpp
>     L263:   // aligning up could have resulted in the size being 0. In 
> that case just subract the
>         Nit: 'aligning' -> 'Aligning' (since it's a sentence)
>         Typo: 'subract' -> 'subtract'
> src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp
>     No comments.
> src/share/vm/prims/jvm.cpp
>     L2812:       // -Avoid truncating on 32-bit platforms if size is 
> greater than UINT_MAX
>         Nit: needs a period at the end like L2813.
> test/runtime/Thread/TooSmallStackSize.java
>     No comments.
> test/runtime/Thread/TestThreadStackSizes.java
>     L26:  * @summary Test user threads with various stacks sizes.
>         Typo?: "stacks sizes" -> "stack sizes"
>     L36:         super(null, null, "TestThreadStackSizes"+stackSize, 
> stackSize);
>         Nit: spaces around the "+".
>     L46:             TestThreadStackSizes testThreadStackSize  = new 
> TestThreadStackSizes(stackSize);
>         Nit: extra space before '='.
>     So this test makes 326 createThread() calls... how long does
>     it take to run?
This is from the results page on Mac OS x log for all the tests in 

1    runtime/Thread/CancellableThreadTest.java         7.033
2    runtime/Thread/Fibonacci.java         8.430
3    runtime/Thread/TestThreadDumpMonitorContention.java 34.322
4    runtime/Thread/ThreadPriorities.java         13.064
5    runtime/Thread/TooSmallStackSize.java         10.086

And 32-bit linux-arm:

1    runtime/Thread/CancellableThreadTest.java         9.359
2    runtime/Thread/Fibonacci.java         11.744
3    runtime/Thread/TestThreadDumpMonitorContention.java 00:01:04.370
4    runtime/Thread/ThreadPriorities.java         18.140
5    runtime/Thread/TooSmallStackSize.java         14.919

And windows-x64:

1    runtime/Thread/CancellableThreadTest.java         8.074
2    runtime/Thread/Fibonacci.java         10.238
3    runtime/Thread/TestThreadDumpMonitorContention.java 00:01:21.404
4    runtime/Thread/ThreadPriorities.java           23.134
5    runtime/Thread/TooSmallStackSize.java         24.160

> Thumbs up! I don't need to see another webrev if you choose to
> fix these minor typos...
They've all been fixed.

thanks for the review,


> Dan
> On 3/20/17 5:29 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>> On 3/17/17 11:37 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>> On 3/17/17 8:17 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>> On 3/17/17 7:01 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>>>> On 18/03/2017 9:11 AM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>>>> Looks like this will need some more work since the added asserts are
>>>>>> triggering on mac os x (which is the only place we'd currently 
>>>>>> expect
>>>>>> them to assert).
>>>>>> The problem is that the code I found that rounds up to the page 
>>>>>> size is
>>>>>> only applied to java threads created by the VM for which the java 
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> specified no stack size. The VM and Compiler thread sizes are not
>>>>>> rounded. The failure I saw was with
>>>>>> runtime/CommandLine/OptionsValidation/TestOptionsWithRanges.java 
>>>>>> when is
>>>>>> specified -XX:CompilerThreadStackSize=9007199254740991. I hit the 
>>>>>> assert
>>>>>> with an EINVAL. The size is not aligned, but it could also be
>>>>>> complaining because it is too big. I haven't tried aligning it 
>>>>>> yet to see.
>>>>>> On Linux we do the following:
>>>>>>   stack_size = align_size_up(stack_size +
>>>>>> os::Linux::default_guard_size(thr_type), vm_page_size());
>>>>>> We don't do this on BSD. I think the same on BSD would solve this
>>>>>> problem. I'm not sure about adding the guard size. I'll need to 
>>>>>> see if
>>>>>> mac os x has the same pthread bug as linux does.
>>>>> At this stage I would only deal with alignment issues. IIRC the 
>>>>> guard issue only affected Linux.
>>>> Yes, that's what I eventually concluded. I put the fix in 
>>>> os::Posix::get_initial_stack_size() in os_posix.cpp, and only did 
>>>> the page aligning, not add the guard page. That way all Posix ports 
>>>> are fixed in one place. It seems to be working.
>>>>>> BTW, did you know java users can specify the size of the a new 
>>>>>> thread's
>>>>>> stack:
>>>>> Yes I mentioned that in another reply - wondering whether we 
>>>>> suitably check and aligned such requests.
>>>> No we don't. Below I mentioned I was able to trigger the assert 
>>>> with a 257k stack size. I guess I wasn't clear that I did that from 
>>>> Java. I have a new test to add that will be testing this, plus the 
>>>> 9007199254740991 stack size (which fails to create the thread with 
>>>> an OOME, but that's acceptable). The fix I mention above in 
>>>> os::Posix::get_initial_stack_size() takes care of this issue also.
>>> Rounding up triggers a new assert, this time on 32-bit x86 and arm.
>>> I should have clarified it's 9007199254740991 "K", which is 
>>> 9223372036854774784. Unfortunately on 32bit systems that is 
>>> asserting with EINVAL. I think we need to do a better job of dealing 
>>> with 32-bit size_t values:
>>> jlong java_lang_Thread::stackSize(oop java_thread) {
>>>   if (_stackSize_offset > 0) {
>>>     return java_thread->long_field(_stackSize_offset);
>>>   } else {
>>>     return 0;
>>>   }
>>> }
>>>       jlong size =
>>> java_lang_Thread::stackSize(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread));
>>>       // Allocate the C++ Thread structure and create the native 
>>> thread.  The
>>>       // stack size retrieved from java is signed, but the 
>>> constructor takes
>>>       // size_t (an unsigned type), so avoid passing negative values 
>>> which would
>>>       // result in really large stacks.
>>>       size_t sz = size > 0 ? (size_t) size : 0;
>>>       native_thread = new JavaThread(&thread_entry, sz);
>>> 9223372036854774784 is 0x7ffffffffffffc00 (close to 64 bit MAX_INT), 
>>> which is 0xfffffc00 when cast to a size_t on a 32-bit system (close 
>>> to 32-bit MAX_UINT). Round it up to the 4k page size and you get 0, 
>>> which I guess pthread_attr_setstacksize() doesn't like. So I think 
>>> more processing of the size is needed here. Maybe in 
>>> os::create_thread() we should check for 0 after rounding up, and 
>>> subtract the os page size if it is 0. However, I think we should 
>>> also avoid truncating on 32-bit to what is basically some random 
>>> number. Maybe if "size" (a jlong) is greater than UINT_MAX, then 
>>> just set "sz" (a size_t) it to UINT_MAX.
>> Ok, I think I have this all worked out now. I've added fixes for 
>> unaligned stack sizes, 32-bit truncating of stack size, and the 
>> "aligning up to 0" problem. I also added a test. Here's the latest 
>> webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8176768/webrev.02/webrev.hotspot
>> Here's what's changed since webrev.01:
>> os_posix.cpp: In os::Posix::get_initial_stack_size(), first round up 
>> the stack size to be paged aligned. This fixes issues on Mac OS X 
>> (other platforms seem to be immune to this). Then check if the size 
>> is zero after rounding up to the page size. Subtract the page size in 
>> this case to produce the maximum stack size allowed. Surprisingly I 
>> got no complaint from gcc for subtracting from an unsigned value that 
>> is known to be 0.
>> os_linux.cpp: In os::create_thread(), I also check here to make sure 
>> the size is not 0 after adding the guard page and aligning up, and 
>> subtract the os page size if it is 0.
>> jvm.c: In JVM_StartThread(), on 32-bit platforms if the size is 
>> greater than UINT_MAX, then I set the size to UINT_MAX. Note it will 
>> later be rounded up to 0 in os::Posix::get_initial_stack_size(), 
>> which will result in subtracting the os page size to get the actual 
>> maximum allowed stack size.
>> TooSmallStackSize.java: added test case for unaligned stack sizes.
>> TestThreadStackSizes.java: New test. Creates new threads with every 
>> size up to 320k in 1k increments. Then creates threads with a few 
>> other sizes that can be problematic.
>> thanks,
>> Chris
>>> Chris
>>>>>>     public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name,
>>>>>>                   long stackSize) {
>>>>>>         init(group, target, name, stackSize);
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> Fortunately we already force the stackSize to be at least
>>>>>> _java_thread_min_stack_allowed. However, we don't do any OS page
>>>>>> rounding on Mac OS X as noted above, and I was able to trigger the
>>>>>> assert by creating a thread with size 257k.
>>>>> Note this means that OSX stack logic is broken because it will 
>>>>> currently be silently failing due to EINVAL!
>>>> Yes, that is correct.
>>>> Chris
>>>>>> I'll get another webrev out once I've made the needed fixes. I 
>>>>>> also have
>>>>>> a new test I'd like to add.
>>>>> Ok.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> David
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> On 3/16/17 9:27 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok, time for a new webrev:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8176768/webrev.01/webrev.hotspot 
>>>>>>> The only thing that has changed since the first webrev are the 
>>>>>>> asserts
>>>>>>> added to os_linux.cpp and os_bsd.cpp. And to summarize what we 
>>>>>>> discuss
>>>>>>> already:
>>>>>>>  - The assert should never happen due to the stack size being too
>>>>>>> small since it will be at least PTHREAD_STACK_MIN.
>>>>>>>  - The assert should never happen due to an unaligned stack size
>>>>>>> because we always align it to the page size.
>>>>>>>  - Any assert would therefore be a VM bug and not due to user 
>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>  - No fixing the java launcher. If the user specifies a stack 
>>>>>>> that is
>>>>>>> too small, hotspot will already detect this. If the user 
>>>>>>> specifies a
>>>>>>> stack size that is large enough but not page aligned, then we just
>>>>>>> ignore any error (if the platform doth protest) and the user gets a
>>>>>>> main thread with a stack size set to whatever the OS default is.
>>>>>>> I still need to retest (I only ran TooSmallStackSize.java), but 
>>>>>>> figure
>>>>>>> getting agreement on the changes first would be best before I 
>>>>>>> bog down
>>>>>>> our testing resources.
>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>> On 3/15/17 10:03 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> Please review the following:
>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8176768
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cjplummer/8176768/webrev.00/webrev.hotspot 
>>>>>>>> While working on 8175342 I noticed our stack size on xgene was 8mb
>>>>>>>> even though I was specifying -Xss72k. It turns out the 
>>>>>>>> following code
>>>>>>>> was failing:
>>>>>>>>       pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stack_size);
>>>>>>>> Although we computed a minimum stack size of 72k, so -Xss72k 
>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> be fine, pthreads on this platform requires the stack be at least
>>>>>>>> 128k, so it failed the pthread_attr_setstacksize() call. The end
>>>>>>>> result is pthread_attr_setstacksize() had no impact on the 
>>>>>>>> thread's
>>>>>>>> stack size, and we ended up with the platform default of 8mb. 
>>>>>>>> The fix
>>>>>>>> is to round up the following variables to PTHREAD_STACK_MIN after
>>>>>>>> computing their new values:
>>>>>>>>       _java_thread_min_stack_allowed
>>>>>>>>       _compiler_thread_min_stack_allowed
>>>>>>>>       _vm_internal_thread_min_stack_allowed
>>>>>>>> For solaris, there was an issue using PTHREAD_STACK_MIN. You 
>>>>>>>> need to
>>>>>>>> #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199506L in order to get 
>>>>>>>> #defined, and this needs to be done before including OS header 
>>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>>> I noticed that on solaris we were using thr_min_stack() elsewhere
>>>>>>>> instead of PTHREAD_STACK_MIN, so I decided to do the same with 
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> fix. Either way is ugly (the #define or using thr_min_stack()).
>>>>>>>> And speaking of the existing use of thr_min_stack(), I deleted 
>>>>>>>> it. It
>>>>>>>> was being applied before any adjustments to the stack sizes had 
>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>> made (rounding and adding red, yellow, and shadow zones). This 
>>>>>>>> mean
>>>>>>>> the stack ended up being larger than necessary. With the above 
>>>>>>>> fix in
>>>>>>>> place, we are now applying thr_min_stack() after recomputing the
>>>>>>>> minimum stack sizes. If for any reason one of those stack sizes is
>>>>>>>> now too small, the correct fix is to adjust the initial stack 
>>>>>>>> sizes,
>>>>>>>> not apply thr_min_stack() to the initial stack sizes. However, it
>>>>>>>> looks like no adjustment is needed. I did something close to our
>>>>>>>> nightly testing on all affect platforms, and no new problems 
>>>>>>>> turned up.
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> Chris

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