Breadth-first vs. Depth-first

Igor Veresov Igor.Veresov at Sun.COM
Mon Jun 9 16:25:29 UTC 2008

A paper comes to mind:


On Monday 09 June 2008 19:51:04 Tony Printezis wrote:
> Martin,
> I'm personally skeptical on whether we should pursue this further. There
> are a couple of reasons why.
> Such profiling could be expensive and I'm not convinced that we will be
> able to reclaim back all the extra cost (the benefit we got from
> depth-first was very dependent on the architecture; some architectures
> got a lot, some got peanuts; the latter might be penalized, instead of
> benefit, due to the extra profiling).
> Additionally, the benefit from depth-first really depends on the GC
> used. For the GCs in HotSpot, the only opportunity we have to re-arrange
> objects is when new objects are copied from the eden to the survivor
> spaces and from the survivor spaces to the old generation. After that,
> you're stuck with the order in which objects moved to the old
> generation, as the old generation typically doesn't re-order objects
> (UseParallelGC and UseParallelOldGC do sliding compaction and they
> maintain object order, CMS doesn't typically do compaction; in fact, due
> to its in-place de-allocation policy, CMS cannot even guarantee that two
> objects that are allocated one after the other, will actually be located
> in the same order in the old gen).
> As an aside, Garbage-First:
> might have the edge over the other GCs in that respect, as it does
> copying (not sliding) GC in the old generation too and it might have
> more opportunities to re-order objects.
> Now, think about the following (very realistic!) scenario. An
> application has a non-trivial initialization phase and a lot of objects
> created during it will survive the lifetime of that application. After
> the initialization phase, the application goes into a steady-state phase
> (this is the "request serving" phase). Now, you would think that the
> initialization and steady-state phases will have quite different access
> patterns (you see where this is going, aren't you?). So, the objects
> created during the initialization phase will be copied according to the
> initialization access pattern, which might or might not be what you want
> during the steady-state phase. I think this is an example that shows
> that, in some (many?) cases, when the decision would be made on which
> objects to cluster together, it would be made prematurely.
> Now, do I think depth-first was a bad idea? Nope. I think it was a good
> idea, not because depth-first is really good, but instead because
> breadth-first was pathological in many many cases.
> Regarding, the GC times vs. mutator speed trade-off, I was actually
> expecting depth-first to have exactly this effect: slower GCs, but
> faster mutator threads. Interestingly, in most tests I ran, GCs didn't
> slow down much and, in some cases, they actually speeded up. I think
> this could have been due to the new order also benefiting the GC too, as
> well as the mutators threads.
> My two cents,
> Tony, HS GC Group
> Martin Buchholz wrote:
> > JavaOne 2008 technical session PDFs are now available
> >
> >
> >e&yr=2008
> >
> > I enjoyed the discussion of breadh-first vs. depth-first GC copying
> > in the JavaOne talk
> >
> >
> > I'd like to suggest that this is a fruitful avenue for investigation,
> > if hotspot engineers go further than simply switching whole-hog
> > to depth-first.
> >
> > Profiling can find reference fields that are rarely dereferenced,
> > and also ones that are likely to be dereferenced soon after the object
> > itself is accessed.
> >
> > The former can be sequestered by the next copying GC into
> > an unloved-object ghetto, while the latter can be stored contiguously
> > with its parent object.  Tricky to implement, and will certainly
> > make GC slower, but might make the runtime of the mutator win big.
> > And should be easier to implement than true object inlining.
> >
> > This ought to be very similar to the moving of dead or cold code
> > fragments inside a method away from the hot code, that hotspot
> > already does.
> >
> > Martin

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