RFR (S): 7117303: VM uses non-monotonic time source and complains that it is non-monotonic

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Thu Dec 8 05:48:57 UTC 2011

Hi John,

On 8/12/2011 3:59 AM, John Cuthbertson wrote:
> Can I have a couple of volunteers review the changes for this CR? The
> webrev can be found at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~johnc/7117303/webrev.0/.
> Summary:
> I replaced the calls to os::javaTimeMillis() in the GC where we expect
> monotonicity with calls os::javaTimeNanos(), converting the result to
> milliseconds. os::javaTimeNanos(), at least on some configurations, does
> guarantee monotonicity and so is a better alternative.

javaTimeNanos is "guaranteed" monotonic if the underlying platform 
provides a monotonic timesource.

I think this comment:

!   // os::javaTimeMillis() does not guarantee monotonicity.

might be better expressed as:

     // need to use a monotonic time source

or perhaps

    // need a monotonic time in ms but os::javaTimeMillis() does not 
guarantee monotonicity

> The changes in
> the os_<*> files are to make use of the named conversion constants I
> added/moved to globalDefinitions.hpp - we seemed to have multiple names
> for the same two constants.

Yeah that little cleanup has been on the to-do list for quite a while - 


This comment block can be shortened from:

!   // XXX Since javaTimeNanos() mostly guarantees monotonically
!   // increasing return values, depending upon the underlying
!   // os-dependent implementation, we still need to guard against
!   // getting back a time later than now. This should be fixed
!   // by basing the implementation on something like gethrtime()
!   // which does guarantee monotonicity.
!   // Note that cond_wait() is susceptible to a similar problem,
!   // because its interface is based on absolute time in the form
!   // of the system time's notion of UCT. See also 4506635 for yet
!   // another problem of similar nature. XXX

to just

     // javaTimeNanos() is guaranteed to be monotonic non-decreasing
     // provided the underlying platform provides such a time source
     // (and it is bug free). So we still have to guard against getting
     // back a time later than 'now'.

javaTimeNanos _is_ based on gethrtime (on Solaris which is the only 
place it exists) or on CLOCK_MONOTONIC on Linux (if present). It is as 
monotonic as the platform provides. The ref to cond_wait is just 
completely out of place.


> Testing: GC test suite on solaris and Linux, NSK tests on solaris, and
> jprt.
> Thanks,
> JohnC

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