RFR(S): 6818524: G1: use ergonomic resizing of PLABs

John Cuthbertson john.cuthbertson at oracle.com
Wed Aug 1 21:11:37 UTC 2012

Hi Everyone,

Can I have a couple of volunteers review the changes for this CR? The 
webrev can be found at: 
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~johnc/6818524/webrev.0/. These changes have 
been contributed by Brandon Mitchell (at Twitter).

PLABStats instances are now employed in G1 to record information about 
old and young PLABs, and they are then used to adjust the PLAB sizes for 
the next GC. As a result the ResizePLAB flag is now being observed by 
G1. The previous behavior (and PLAB sizes) can be obtained by specifying 

With these changes I see just over a net 1% performance gain, on our 
reference workload, when running with G1.

GC test suite with and without ResizePLAB and PrintPLAB enabled to 
observe the changes in PLAB sizes; reference workload on multiple 
platforms; jprt.



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