JEP 173: Remove Rarely-Used Combinations of Garbage Collectors

Azeem Jiva azeem.jiva at
Thu Dec 6 22:28:19 UTC 2012

Kirk, and others --
   The other option would be to remove less frequently used collectors 
and convert the flags for those removed collectors to modified versions 
of existing collectors.  So using iCMS in your commandline would give 
you G1 (or whatever) instead, tuned as necessary to mimic iCMS as best 
as possible.
   I can see people arguing that it changes how the JVM runs, but there 
are many under the cover changes that happen every week (new 
optimizations, bugs fixed, etc) and except for people on this list and a 
few interested parties nobody is aware of the change.  Same thing would 
happen here.
   Just a suggestion from someone that isn't a GC engineer :)

On 12/06/2012 04:10 PM, Kirk Pepperdine wrote:
> I could have just as easily tuned the parallel collector down to a single thread. So, getting rid of serial wouldn't be seen as a loss in my books.

Azeem Jiva

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