RFE (m) (Prelminary): JDK-7197666: java -d64 -version core dumps in a box with lots of memory

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at oracle.com
Thu Apr 4 12:11:21 UTC 2013

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for looking at this!

On 3/29/13 10:33 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2013-03-28 at 23:09 +0100, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sending this to both runtime and GC since I think it concerns both
>> areas.
>> I'd like some feedback on this preliminary change. I still want to do
>> some more testing and evaluation before I ask for final reviews:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/7197666/webrev.00/
>> In particular I would like some feedback on these questions:
>> - The class I am adding, ArrayAllocator, wants to choose between doing
>> malloc and mmap. Normally we use ReservedSpace and VirtualSpace to get
>> mapped memory. However, those classes are kind of clumsy when I just
>> want to allocate one chunk of memory. It is much simpler to use the
>> os::reserve_memory() and os::commit_memory() methods directly. I think
>> my use case here motivate using these methods directly, but is there
>> some reason not to do that?
> The *Space classes are heavily geared to be used as virtual memory
> management helpers for a two-generation heap, so I'm not sure if they
> are appropriate here.
> Not sure why you chose to use AllocateHeap(), I always thought that the
> use of the corresponding macros (NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY etc.) is recommended.

The reason I use AllocateHeap() directly is that I already have the size 
calculated and if I use NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY it would have to do that 
calculation again.

> The error messages of ArrayAllocator give very little information, maybe
> add the requested block size that lead to the failure in the message.

The requested size is part of the error message. Is there more you would 
like to have in the message? Currently it looks like this:

# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 1048576 bytes for 
Allocator failed to commit

I admit that this message is not perfect. First it says "(malloc)" even 
though it was actually mmap that failed. But this is I think more of a 
bug in vm_exit_out_of_memory() than in my use of it. There are several 
places that use VirtualSpace and when it fails call 
vm_exit_out_of_memory(). This has the same issue as my code. For example 
when we try to expand the heap in G1 with G1CollectedHeap::expand()

I also think the last part of the message looks a bit odd now that I see 
the whole message. But I would like to know if it was reserve or commit 
that failed. Do you think I should change to "Allocator (reserve)" and 
"Allocator (commit)" instead?

> There is a typo in the comment "uses malpped memory" -> "uses mapped
> memory".

Thanks! Fixed.

> While it is not strictly necessary, you could initialize all member
> variables in the constructor's initialization list.

OK. Done.

> Maybe there is a common name for such type of objects, i.e. cleanup
> helpers that are "stack allocated" only to be automatically called
> during destructor of the enclosing class in c++ jargon.
> It seems to be a common pattern.
> If that is not the case, maybe rename it to LargeArrayAllocator to
> better indicate the purpose in addition to the comment.

I don't really like LargeArrayAllocator since this one can be used for 
arrays that can be both small and large. The whole idea is that when we 
have dynamic sizes we need a simple way to allocate both small and large 
arrays but get them allocated in the right way. That's why I picked just 

>> Some background on the change:
>> The default implementation of malloc on Solaris has several limitation
>> compared to malloc on other platforms. One limitation is that it can
>> only use one consecutive chunk of memory. Another limitation is that
>> it always allocates in this single chunk of memory no matter how large
>> the requested amount of memory is. Other malloc implementations
>> normally use mapped memory for large allocations.
>> The Java heap is mapped in memory and we try to pick a good address
>> for it. The lowest allowed address is controlled by
>> HeapBaseMinAddress. This is only 256 MB on Solaris x86 (other
>> platforms have at least 2 GB). Since the C heap ends up below the Java
>> heap it means that in some cases it is limited to 256 MB.
> 256 MB seems to be very low in any case. Maybe in addition to that, make
> HeapBaseMinAddress dependent on the OS?

HeapBaseMinAddress is already dependent on the OS. It is explicitly set 
to 256MB on Solaris x86 and at least 2GB on all other platforms. We want 
to keep it to 256MB on Solaris x86 to be able to use as large heaps as 
possible for compressed oops.

> Is there some documentation/FAQ that tells solaris/x86 users to consider
> increasing HeapBaseMinAddress if they run out of C heap?

That's a good point. I can talk to SE about how they would like to 
communicate this to users.


> Thomas

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