RFE (m): JDK-7197666: java -d64 -version core dumps in a box with lots of memory

Jon Masamitsu jon.masamitsu at oracle.com
Sat Apr 6 01:48:59 UTC 2013

On 4/5/2013 8:15 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> Thanks for looking at this!
> On 4/4/13 9:54 PM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>> Bengt,
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/7197666/webrev.01/src/share/vm/memory/allocation.inline.hpp.frames.html 
>>   118   if (_use_malloc) {
>>   119     _addr = AllocateHeap(_size, F);
>>   120     return (E*)_addr;
>>   121   }
>> Did you consider checking the value of _addr and going on
>> to the mmap based allocation if the malloc() failed?
> That's a good idea! I added that logic. I only try mmap if the size is 
> larger than one page. It seems to me that if we are failing really 
> small allocations we should not be trying to continue and if we would 
> start mmapping really small sizes we will waste a lot of memory since 
> mmapped memory needs to be page aligned.
> Here is an updated webrev including the fixed comment suggested by 
> John Cuthbertson too:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/7197666/webrev.02/

Thanks.  Looks good.


> Thanks,
> Bengt
>> Jon
>> On 4/4/13 5:17 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Coleen and Thomas have already looked at the preliminary version of 
>>> this request. Thanks!
>>> Removing the preliminary part of this request now and asking for 
>>> full reviews.
>>> Here is an updated webrev based on the comments from Coleen and Thomas:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/7197666/webrev.01/
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bengt
>>> On 3/28/13 11:09 PM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Sending this to both runtime and GC since I think it concerns both 
>>>> areas.
>>>> I'd like some feedback on this preliminary change. I still want to 
>>>> do some more testing and evaluation before I ask for final reviews:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/7197666/webrev.00/
>>>> In particular I would like some feedback on these questions:
>>>> - I am adding a flag that has the same value on all platforms 
>>>> except Solaris x86. There is the product_pd flag macro to support 
>>>> this. But there is no experimental_pd marcro. I would have 
>>>> preferred to make my new flag experimental. Should I add 
>>>> experimental_pd or should I just use a product flag?
>>>> - Even with product_pd I think I still have to go in to all the 
>>>> different platform files and add the exact same code to give the 
>>>> flag a default value on all platforms. Is there a way to have a 
>>>> default value and only override it on Solaris x86?
>>>> - The class I am adding, ArrayAllocator, wants to choose between 
>>>> doing malloc and mmap. Normally we use ReservedSpace and 
>>>> VirtualSpace to get mapped memory. However, those classes are kind 
>>>> of clumsy when I just want to allocate one chunk of memory. It is 
>>>> much simpler to use the os::reserve_memory() and 
>>>> os::commit_memory() methods directly. I think my use case here 
>>>> motivate using these methods directly, but is there some reason not 
>>>> to do that?
>>>> Some background on the change:
>>>> The default implementation of malloc on Solaris has several 
>>>> limitation compared to malloc on other platforms. One limitation is 
>>>> that it can only use one consecutive chunk of memory. Another 
>>>> limitation is that it always allocates in this single chunk of 
>>>> memory no matter how large the requested amount of memory is. Other 
>>>> malloc implementations normally use mapped memory for large 
>>>> allocations.
>>>> The Java heap is mapped in memory and we try to pick a good address 
>>>> for it. The lowest allowed address is controlled by 
>>>> HeapBaseMinAddress. This is only 256 MB on Solaris x86 (other 
>>>> platforms have at least 2 GB). Since the C heap ends up below the 
>>>> Java heap it means that in some cases it is limited to 256 MB.
>>>> When we run with ParallelOldGC we get three task queues per GC 
>>>> thread. Each task queue takes mallocs 1MB. The failing machine in 
>>>> the bug report has lots of CPUs and ends up with 83 GC threads. 
>>>> This is 249 MB, which is more than we can get out of the 256 MB 
>>>> limited C heap considering that there are other things that get 
>>>> malloced too.
>>>> So, the problems occur mostly on Solaris x86. My suggested fix 
>>>> tries to address this by letting the task queues be mapped instead 
>>>> of malloced on Solaris x86. Instead of inlining this logic in 
>>>> taskqueue.cpp I added a more general class. The reason for this is 
>>>> that I think we need to use the same logic in more places, 
>>>> especially for G1, which is mallocing quite a lot.
>>>> Since I think malloc on other platforms use mapped memory for large 
>>>> malloc requests I think it is enough for this change to have effect 
>>>> on Solaris. The other platforms probably have better heuristics 
>>>> than I can come up with for which sizes should be mapped. On Sparc 
>>>> we have the same limitation with malloc, but we have more memory 
>>>> available for the C heap. This is why I have only enabled this for 
>>>> Solaris x86.
>>>> Also, I will be on vacation for a few days. Back in the office 
>>>> Thrusday April 4. I'm happy for any feedback on this, but if I 
>>>> don't respond until next week you know why :)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bengt

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