Request for review: 6761744 Hotspot crashes if process size limit is exceeded

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at
Wed Apr 10 19:49:55 UTC 2013


On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 11:52 -0400, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
> On 4/10/2013 11:10 AM, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 16:53 +0200, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> On Sun, 2013-04-07 at 22:22 -0700, Tao Mao wrote:
> >>> 6761744 Hotspot crashes if process size limit is exceeded
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> webrev:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> changeset:
> >>> The fix only needs to go to hsx24 since there's no perm gen in
> >>> hotspot-25. Thus, the webrev is based on hsx24 repo.
> >>>
> >>> It provides for 32-bit builds a preventive check of the size of "the
> >>> object heap + perm gen" before reserving VM memory. The total size
> >>> should not exceed 4096MB (i.e. 4GB) for 32-bit builds; otherwise, the
> >>> total doesn't make sense and, what's worse, overflow occurs. It will
> >>> consequentially trigger anther error of memory access violation, which
> >>> was not protected.
> >> I think this check should be done once in Universe::reserve_heap() where
> >> the actual reservation occurs, just before that if possible instead of
> >> special handling for every collector.
> >>
> >> Additionally, Universe::reserve_heap() also does final alignment before
> >> reserving the heap which might influence the actually reserved heap
> >> size.
> > Okay, I just saw that I was looking at hsx25, sorry. In hsx24 there is
> > no Universe::reserve_heap() which all collectors call to actually
> > reserve the heap.
> >
> > Not sure if it is part of this CR to unify this handling this for hsx24
> > into a single method similar to hsx25.
> I don't think you can do this because one of the version does extra junk 
> for class data sharing.

I wasn't exactly thinking of backporting the fix verbatim but doing
something similar - but probably it is beyond the scope of this CR.

I am leaving this up to Tao and the others to decide.

@Coleen: I was asking myselves when comparing with the code for
calculating the maximum heap for ergonomically enabling compressed oops:
isn't the limit for heap+perm actually 2^bitsize - 1 OS page (the null
page excluded), do you know?

> Coleen
> (lurking on hotspot-gc)
> >
> > However, it may be interesting anyway to refactor the actual overflow
> > checking, i.e. some method that gets passed java heap size (I think
> > there is already the invariant that young + old gen size is always less
> > than max heap size, i.e. less than 4G on 32 bit), perm gen size and
> > alignment and is called by all three CollectedHeap implementations.
> >

As mentioned I still believe it would be nice to have the checking code
extracted into a single method that is shared and used by all of the
heap implementations.

Replicating the same (string) constant and basically the same checking
three times in the code seems undesirable.


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