RFR: 8019779 JDK 8 build failed due to hotspot crashed on Solaris 10u10 sparcv9/sparc with SS12u3 compiler

Coleen Phillmore coleen.phillimore at oracle.com
Wed Jul 24 19:40:34 UTC 2013

Hi Lois,
Reducing the optimization level of space.cpp (not sure about the other 
one) might cause a noticeable performance regression in GC. The reason 
that we added these miserable macros in space.hpp was for performance.  
I think specjbb2000 (?) I am cc'ing the GC group because there are 
multiple sets of macros that were written for performance and maybe the 
ones in space.hpp (expanded in space.cpp) aren't so bad.   Maybe we 
should finally get rid of these horrible macros instead.

If the performance checks out, this change looks good, and thank you for 
doing such an impressive amount of testing on this change.


On 7/24/2013 10:49 AM, Lois Foltan wrote:
> Please review the following fix:
>     open webrev at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8019779
> Bug: JDK 8 build failed due to hotspot crashed on Solaris 10u10 
> sparcv9/sparc with SS12u3 compiler
>     bug link at https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8019779
> Summary of fix:
>     The JDK 8 build on Solaris using the new SS12u3 (CC V5.12) compiler
>     failed with a Hotspot crash at the point the build executes rmic.
>     This crash was tracked down to a C++ compiler optimization issue
>     when two specific files are compiled with -xO4.  As a work around 
> fix,
>     knock down the optimization level of these two files specifically for
>     SS12u3. This bug will be reported/transferred to the C++ compiler 
> in BugDB.
> Test Builds:
>    Based on jdk8/build forests:
>     JDK 8 full build with C++ SS12u1 with --with-debug-level=[release 
> and fastdebug] on Solaris sparc
>     JDK 8 full build with C++ SS12u3 with --with-debug-level=[release 
> and fastdebug] on Solaris sparc
>    Based on hotspot-rt:
>     Built Hotspot fastdebug, optimized, product with C++ SS12u1 on 
> Solaris sparcv9 and Solaris Intel
>     Built Hotspot debug, fastdebug, optimized, product with C++ SS12u3 
> on Solaris sparcv9 and Solaris Intel
> Tests:
>    JDK 8 full release built with C++ SS12u3 on Solaris sparc - ran 
> Hotspot's jtreg tests
>    JDK 8 full fastdebug built with C++ SS12u3 on Solaris sparc - ran 
> JCK full test suite
>    Hotspot fastdebug built with C++ SS12u3 on Solaris sparcv9 - ran 
> vm.quick.testlist
> Thank you,
> Lois

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