RFR(S): 8010738: G1: Output for full GCs with +PrintGCDetails should contain perm gen size/meta data change info

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at oracle.com
Fri May 10 06:38:24 UTC 2013

On 5/9/13 3:38 AM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
> On 5/8/2013 4:47 PM, John Cuthbertson wrote:
>> Hi Jon,
>> On 5/8/2013 10:15 AM, Jon Masamitsu wrote:
>>> On 5/7/2013 8:40 PM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>> What do you think about renaming _heap_bytes_before_gc to 
>>>> _heap_used_before_gc? Seems more consistent with the other variable 
>>>> names such as _heap_capacity_before_gc.
>>>> Similarly, what do you think about renaming the local varialbles 
>>>> *_byte_* to *_used_* in 
>>>> G1CollectorPolicy::print_detailed_heap_transition()?
>>> Sorry, but removing the "bytes" from the name will make me wonder
>>> about the units.  When we have a rule that says "all quantities are in
>>> bytes unless otherwise indicated by the name of the variable", I
>>> will be happy with such a renaming.
>> How about a compromise - *_used_bytes_*?
> Works for me.

This is fine with me too.

But does that mean that the variables heap_capacity_after_gc and 
eden_capacity_after_gc have to be renamed to 
heap_capacity_bytes_after_gc and eden_capacity_bytes_after_gc too?


> Jon
>> JohnC

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