RFR (L): 8060025: Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Tue Dec 16 22:32:14 UTC 2014

On Dec 16, 2014, at 6:57 AM, Thomas Schatzl <thomas.schatzl at oracle.com> wrote:
>> src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1InCSetState.hpp  
>> The name "is_not_in_cset" is unfortunate; I keep wanting to misread
>> that as meaning !is_in_cset.  I don't have a better suggestion that
>> doesn't involve a complete renaming of the type, and I don't have a
>> better type name to suggest.
>> Similarly, G1CollectedHeap::in_cset_state() is also confusing to me; I
>> keep wanting to misread that as a predicate.
> In some different implementation I had region_attr_t as type name…

region_attr() or region_state() for the G1CollectedHeap accessor certainly fixes the second.

And a name involving “region” lines up well with all the doc comments in the existing class, e.g.

  31 // Per-region state during garbage collection.
  32 struct InCSetState {

“Per-<em>region</em> state …”

  56     Humongous    = -1,    // The region is humongous - note that actually any value < 0 would be possible here.
  [… etc …]

“The <em>region</em> is …”

So yes, I like a “region”-based name.  Unless, of course, this ends up being confusing because it’s too
close to some other name(s) used in G1.  I can’t think of any, but there’s a lot of code I haven’t studied

Regarding is_not_in_cset, what exactly does that state mean?  Specifically, does it mean the region
is presently unused / inactive?  Or could it be used for something other than young/old/humongous?
If the former, then perhaps rename that state (and the predicate) accordingly, e.g. Inactive or something
like that.

Another possibility might be NotInCSet => NonCSet and is_not_in_cset() => is_non_cset().

>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
>> src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1InCSetState.hpp  
>>  71 class G1InCSetStateFastTestBiasedMappedArray : public G1BiasedMappedArray<in_cset_state_t> {
>>  72  protected:
>>  73   in_cset_state_t default_value() const { return InCSetState::NotInCSet; }
>> I think this should be private, not protected.  It's also only used in
>> asserts. 
> Required to implement G1BiasedMappedArray.

Oops.  Sorry for the noise.

>> Below are for merging in_cset_state_t and InCSetState.  I don't have a
>> strong preference between the two options.
> I will use the "b" variant then as I think it is cleaner (even if only by a little).

Continuing to look at this code, I seem to be developing a preference for the “b” variant too.

>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

>> src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1InCSetState.hpp 
>>  32 struct InCSetState {
>> Use of "struct" instead of "class" makes _value public.
> Added explicit visibility specifier.

Unfortunately, I think the in_cset_state_t typedef needs to be public.  Otherwise,
how can a client declare the type of a variable that will hold the result of the
value() function.

> Diff webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8060025/webrev.1b_to_2b/
> Full webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8060025/webrev.2b/

A minor point that I failed to notice previously: the constructors are initializing _value by assignment
in the constructor body, rather than in a member initializer.  In this case it’s likely the same code will
be generated, but using member initializers is a good habit that every detailed C++ style guide
recommends (because there are performance costs for some types).

Also consider adding an is_valid() assertion in the one arg constructor, making it impossible for
there to ever be a non-valid object, so no need for is_valid checks elsewhere.

Could also reduce to only one constructor, by replacing the two existing constructors with

  InCSetState(in_cset_state_t value = NotInCSet) : _value(value) { assert(is_valid(), “Invalid state”); }

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