RFR(S): JDK-8042474: Clean up duplicated code in RSHashTable

Andreas Sjöberg andreas.sjoberg at oracle.com
Thu May 8 08:01:20 UTC 2014

Hi all,

could I please have reviews for this small cleanup?
For RSHashTable, it
  - removes entry_for_region_ind(RegionIdx_t)
  - changes get_entry to be public and declared const
  - changes the sites that called entry_for_region to instead use 
get_entry, since they have the same implementation.
  - changes get_cards to make use of get_entry instead of very similar 
code contained inline.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/JDK-8042474/01/webrev/

It seems get_cards is not used. Maybe it should be removed as a separate CR?

testing: jprt.

Best regards,
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