RFR: 8057536: Refactor G1 to allow context specific allocations

Mikael Gerdin mikael.gerdin at oracle.com
Thu Sep 4 15:04:09 UTC 2014

Hi Stefan,

On Thursday 04 September 2014 14.45.30 Stefan Johansson wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review these changes for:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8057536
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sjohanss/8057536/webrev.00/


reuse_retaind_... => reuse_retained_...

G1ParGCAllocator::allocate does not have the SurvivorAlignmentInBytes change 
when it was broken out from G1ParScanThreadState.


reuse_retaind_... => reuse_retained_...
two spaces after return type of retire_alloc_buffers
align parameters to flush_stats_and_retire


align the parameters to "attempt_allocation_at_safepoint", 
"survivor_attempt_allocation", "old_attempt_allocation"


You didn't move the methods of Mutator/SurvivorGC/OldGC alloc region to 

align the parameters at the call to "attempt_allocation"
align the parameters to "attempt_allocation_at_safepoint"


align the parameters at the call to "attempt_allocation"

align the parameters to "survivor_attempt_allocation", 


HeapRegion::print_on is designed to produce short output. Can you shorten the 
output? Either by disabling the printout if contexts aren't used or disable it 
for context-0 regions. Or have a format like "C%4u".

For most of the style changes I'm ok with a follow-up change to address them. 
The rest of the change looks ok to me.

I'm not a 8u Reviewer.


> Summary:
> These changes are made to allow G1 to do context specific allocation. As
> part of this a G1Allocator class has be refactored out of
> G1CollectedHeap which can be extended to implement the specific context
> code. Currently only the G1DefaultAllocator is implemented, this
> allocator only makes use of one context to have the same behavior as
> prior to this enhancement.
> Testing:
> * JPRT
> * Manual verification
> * Local ute runs of vm.quick.testlist
> Thanks,
> Stefan

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