review request (S/M) - 8057827: notify an obj when stats are available

John Coomes John.Coomes at
Tue Sep 9 20:09:43 UTC 2014

Mikael Gerdin (mikael.gerdin at wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 September 2014 00.45.04 John Coomes wrote:
> > Please review the api for notifying an object when updated statistics
> > are available at the end of a gc pause:
> > 
> > 8057827: notify an obj when allocation context stats are available
> > 
> >
> Can you maintain this object as a global JNI handle (jobject) inside 
> AllocationContextService instead of adding a new static oop in Universe?
> The other static oops in Universe seem to be more system and bootstrap-related 
> as opposed to the user-settable nature of the notification object.

Thanks again for looking.

FWIW, the expected usage is that it will be set soon after
initialization (from libraries code), and remain in place for the
remainder of the JVM's lifetime, so it's mostly static.

I'll look at using a global jni handle instead, but I'd like to do
that as a separate change.


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