[RFR] 8043766: CMM Testing: 8u40 Decommit auxiliary data structures

Andrey Zakharov andrey.x.zakharov at oracle.com
Fri Sep 19 14:54:36 UTC 2014

Hello, team
Could you please review bunch of tests for feature
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8038423: G1: Decommit memory 
within the heap

the inner scenario is allocate array of objects, link this objects to 
each other, mutate some of this objects to fill RSet in G1 and 
deallocate objects.
inner test expected at least not growing commit memory size of heap and 
non-heap. It's hard to separate featured non-heap usages from overall 
non-heap usages of internal structures, so we can expect that non-heap 
commit memory size can even grows up.

outer test rotate *G1ConcRSLogCacheSize* and *ObjectAlignmentInBytes* 
(for 64bits) options values and runs inner test.
*G1ConcRSLogCacheSize* is iterated from 0, 2^0 to 2^31, but test 
calculates maximum available memory and use according pow of 2.
ObjectAlignmentInBytes is iterated from 2^3 to 2^8

As outer tests spawns an inner tests 6 times it needs a longer timeout = 
120 seconds * 6 = 720 seconds.
Also, I've separate 1 large test to several tests for different 
G1ConcRSLogCacheSize options to avoid even longer timeout.


bug for test:

feature bug:


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