RFR: 8073464 - GC workers do not have thread names

David Lindholm david.lindholm at oracle.com
Tue Mar 3 12:52:34 UTC 2015


Thanks for the review.

On 2015-03-03 12:05, Thomas Schatzl wrote:

> It would be nice to have an initialize_in_thread() method in NamedThread
> that all descendants call. If you look at the current code, all
> NamedThread children duplicate the calls to
> record_stack_base_and_size(), initialize_thread_local_storage(), and
> initialize_named_thread(). However I am not insisting on doing this
> cleanup in this CR if you do not want to. In that case, please create a
> new cleanup CR for that.
> Thanks,
>    Thomas

Yes, I saw this and had the same idea, and I also implemented this idea. 
However, after discussing with Bengt we came to the conclusion that this 
was not the right thing to do, since initialize_named_thread() is 
located in NamedThread and the two other in Thread. If we were to unify 
these in an initialization function it should be a part of a larger 
rewrite of the initialization of Thread and its subclasses.


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