JEP 271: Unified GC Logging - First pre-review

Kirk Pepperdine kirk at
Tue Oct 27 14:37:39 UTC 2015

Hi Bengt,

> [1.165s][info   ][gc,cpu      ] GC#1 CPU Times: user=0.39s sys=0.00s real=0.40s

If the tag [gc,cpu] indicates this is CPU times could you not shorted the test to …] GC#1 user=0.39s sys=0.0s real=0.40s

It may sound like a trivial change as the reduction is only 11 bytes. But in the large, 11 bytes @ number of GC events starts to add up very quickly. As the expression says, you can fill a water tower one spoon full at a time.

Kind regards,

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