JDK-8148960: Humongous mis-spelled in log output

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at oracle.com
Wed Feb 3 16:18:04 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Could I have a couple of reviews for this small change?


Thanks Charlie for finding it. Here's his summary:

I noticed we have a mis-spelling of humongous in:
   RegionTypeCounter _humonguous;
   HRRSStatsIter() : _all("All"), _young("Young"), 
       current = &_humonguous;
     RegionTypeCounter* counters[] = { &_young, &_humonguous, &_free, 
&_old, NULL };

Also note the variable name also happens to be misspelled too. But, 
that's probably not as as annoying as when you see the mis-spelling in 
G1 log output.

This mis-spelling of humongous shows in summarized RSet out produced by 


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