RFR: 8148745: [testbug] Test gc/g1/plab/TestPLABPromotion.java fails in nightly

Dmitry Fazunenko dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com
Fri Feb 5 16:02:45 UTC 2016

Hi Misha,

In general the fix looks good to me.
A few comments:

Would add short comment to the new introduced methods, pls

195 private static boolean checkRatio(long checkedValue, long 
controlValue) {
199 private static boolean checkDifferenceRatio(long checkedValue, long 
controlValue) {

 > Checking of size of promoted objects was changed because difference 
of real allocated objects and
 > promoted can exceed existing limit with big heap size.

Would you consider to limit the heap size by -Xmx?


On 05.02.2016 18:09, Michail Chernov wrote:
> Hi all,
> Could I have a couple of review for this change:
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mchernov/8148745/webrev.00/
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148745
> Added -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 to achieve objects promotion at every 
> GC.
> Added timeout for TestPLABPromotion.java because it can work 
> sufficient time with -Xcomp.
> Added @requires to exclude test execution with Flight Recorder, 
> because test cannot handle case when some additional objects are 
> created before or during test running.
> Checking of size of promoted objects was changed because difference of 
> real allocated objects and promoted can exceed existing limit with big 
> heap size.
> Thanks
> Michail

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