RFR: JDK-8153203: Remove liveRange.hpp

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Thu Mar 31 19:23:50 UTC 2016

Den 31/3/16 kl. 21:05, skrev Bengt Rutisson:
> Hi Jesper,
> On 31/03/16 20:08, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>> Hi Bengt,
>> Nice cleanup!
> Thanks! And thanks for looking at this!
>> The comment in psMarkSweepDecorator.cpp:294 is slightly confusing: "The first
>> dead object should contain a pointer to the first live object"
>> Does it mean "The first object is dead and should contain a pointer to the
>> first live object"?
> It actually means that the first dead object is no longer an object. Instead, at
> that memory address, there is just a pointer to the first live object that the
> previous phase found. So, I think the comment is correct, but I understand why
> it is confusing. "First dead" here, refers to the variable _first_dead.
> Maybe this would be clearer:
> "The first dead object is no longer an object. At that memory address, there is
> a pointer to the first live object that the previous phase found."

Yes, that's more clear. Thanks for clarifying that!

> Thanks,
> Bengt
>> Besides that the change looks good.
>> /Jesper
>> Den 31/3/16 kl. 17:46, skrev Bengt Rutisson:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Could I have a couple of reviews for this change?
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~brutisso/8153203/webrev.00/
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8153203
>>> The methods CompactibleSpace::scan_and_forward() and
>>> PSMarkSweepDecorator::precompact() are more or less copy-paste versions of each
>>> other. Both these use the LiveRange class.
>>> The LiveRange class is used to write to the mark word of a dead object. But no
>>> one really cares that the LiveRange class is used. Instead it just gives an
>>> extra level of indirection to already complicated code. We also do unnecessary
>>> work to keep track of the end of the range even though no one ever gets the end
>>> value.
>>> We also do duplicate stores to _first_dead in these methods.
>>> The methods that consume the values from the LiveRange
>>> (CompactibleSpace::scan_and_adjust_pointers() and
>>> PSMarkSweepDecorator::adjust_pointers()) don't use the LiveRange class. Instead
>>> they use oop()->mark()->decode_pointer(), which is kind of odd considering that
>>> this is normally used for forwarded objects.
>>> The code would be simpler if we just store and load directly from the memory
>>> addresses we are working with.
>>> Improving the assert at the end of the
>>> CompactibleSpace::scan_and_adjust_pointers() and
>>> PSMarkSweepDecorator::adjust_pointers() methods to log the values of q and
>>> prev_q will hopefully improve the chances of understanding JDK-8073321 if that
>>> ever happens again.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bengt

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